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Im 18 and have a girl that is 16..we been together for almost six months..last year we went out but broke up bc she was leavin fo the summer and she didnt want no drama so we broke up..i move on and started goin with my bf...i broke that off after bein in the relationship bc i felt guilty of not havin as strong feelings fo her...after that..my girl right now told me how much she wish she never let me go and how much i really meant to her...so we started goin together in january and the firsts months were too good to be true.we never fought at all..never said bad thing bout each other or anything..the person she was at that time was what i wanted and needed...she let me knew how she felt..was there for me like a girl shoulve been..she told me she loved me only 2 weeks into our relationship.and that she never lost feeling fo me...and to me that was crazy bc i neva been there..i always been the type to watch my steps and play it safe..but she got to me like that...well as time went by..she began to change..like the real person in her came out...she was just too different and i didnt kno who she was..i as if was jus that person to get me back bc at the time her friend had also fallen fo me..so to me, it was a game to her..but .as much as i tried and wanted it to be the same it just wasnt..but i just couldnt let her go..i do love this girl but its hard to say if im in love with her or not...well i got caught up in some bull and she wasnt there like i always though shed be...but instead..my bestfrien/ex was there..we go way back n through all the girls n *beep* i been throught..she stayed strong and kept it real with me...while i was in trouble..she stayed on the phone talkin to me seein if everthing was ight with me and all..while my girl was out doin god knows wut...but i asked her a question out of the blue..i asked her if she was in love with me,she ended up telling me the next day that she was..she could even pinpoint the exact moment she knew she was and it was ever since summer last year...but when we were together she never really told me how she felt about me because she was scared to scare me off...but she let me know everything now and it really left me in a confused state..about a month ago i tried to tell my girl that i needed time to myself to see what i really want..but she wouldnt respect that so i ended up stayin with her....i didnt explain to her that i was confused because it wouldve hurt her more...the thing is though that sometimes i feel i cant trust or believe her....but i do when it comes to my ex because shes always been real with me..i know her more than i know my girl because we go way back..so basically i have two girls in love with me..i dont know if its because my girls maturity level or what...my ex jus graduated last month and my girl still has another year to go...i tell her to leave me and have fun bc she is still young and all but she insists that no matter what everyting will work out...right now my girl is in the states and my ex is here...i broke it off 3 days befo she left but we got back together the day she went on vaca...i think i made the wrong move in doing that...im so confused bc i see what i didnt see before in my ex..i know her love for me is as real as it gets..if yall could see the things she does for me and has done for me..i dont think anyone could compare...but instead of bein with her im still with this girl bc the things weve also been through..its even hard to let her go...but im sooooo confused on what to do..should i tell my girl right now while shes away that i need time...bc i have began to fall for my bestfriend...its hard because they practically tell me the same thing..that they love me n that i have their hearts and that no one in the world could give them what i do...when my girl tells me it dont feel like it comes from the heart..but when my ex tells me...its right out of the heart and i can feel that..i dont know what the hell i am thinkin...pls give me advice bc this is really getting to me more than it should....i just dont know what to do anymore bc to me..either way..im going to break someones heart..pls gimme all the advice...Confused

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You have a girlfriend that you are not sure you want to be with, but want's to be with you. And you have feelings for your ex, whom also has feelings for you. ok!

The best advice I can give you is deal with one issue at a time. You cannot worry or think about what you can have with your ex until you get things worked out with your current. If you make a decision to leave your current, its needs to be because you are not happy with her....NOT because you have someone else to go to. People tend to get themselves all messed up with this. STOP all contact with the ex, until you settle things with your current. ONE THING AT A TIME. And if you cannot stop the contact with the ex, then I guess you have the answer.......

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it sounds like the girl your with now doesn't exactly know what she is talking about i think she is still to young to know what love is. your bestfriendsounds like the real deal and it sounds like she is right for you if she is willing to help you whenever your having trouble. i think your girlfriend needs to see what else is around she is too clingy and should be having fun with her friends. but really it is up to you who you want to be with

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You said so urself... your current gf doesnt respect you... thats all you need to remember when making this decision... a healthy relationship is based on trust, respect, and mutal feelings. She didnt respect your suggestion about taking time away from each other, you couldnt trust her to be there when you needed her, and if she 'loves' you, but youre not sure about your feelings for her, thats not mutual. Just make a mental checlist of all of the things that you believe a healthy relationship consists of, and then check tosee how each of these girls measures up. You'll be fine... just think about what's best for you right now, the answer will come soon enough.





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