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kissing with tongue

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How many of you out there think frenching is a big deal? Where I'm from (California) it is pretty common. Im probably not going to tongue with a girl the first time I kiss her but if we just met and are making out we are going to use our tongues. It is pretty normal but when I sometimes watch t.v. on sitcoms and other shows like that they make it a big deal when a guy tries to put his tongue in the girls mouth . What do you all think?

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Although I'm twice your age, I will answer this; personally I think it would depend on if the girl you are kissing has ever been kissed before. I will tell you about my first kiss. I was your age, and the guy I was seeing was about 6 yrs older than me, and he had been in the army. So, his style was French kissing. Up until that time I had never been kissed. So the first time I was kissed we were sitting on a couch in the basement, and he took his hand and turned my face toward him, and he kissed me, but he didn't say that he was going to use his tongue, so that was a big shock for me. He later explained what is was called and why he was doing that, and from that time on, I enjoy French kissing.


TV is also not like real life, and I think the reason that they make such a bid deal of it is because of the censorship; they have to make things look fake so that it gets past the censors, but that's my opinion. I hope this long and boring post helps you somewhat.

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I like french kissing but it's something I wouldn't do on a first date. It's something special, more passionate! I prefer to do this when I want to be more intimate and 'make love' to my partner.


Some girls/guys could be made to feel uncomfortable if you try doing this too soon?


You'll know when the time is right. Have fun

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French kissing is normal....it's basically what all americans call "making out"...so yea. Other than that, like the above, it's more like a gradual step thing, I probably wouldn't french kiss the girl on a first date unless for some reason she was really forward and initiated it to that point. French kissing is considered like a sexual kiss tho...some people, like myself can be turned on by that sort of kissing very easily, that's usually what tells your partner whether or not you're 'good' or a 'bad' kisser, and that's normally how you'll be judged. I've been told I'm pretty good at it, I dont really know tho, I havent kissed a lot of girls, but out of the ones I have, I know which ones I consider 'good' and others that are just average at it, and it's based on how they french kiss. Hah, it's also kinda odd, I haven't heard that phrase 'french kiss' in so long...since like grade school...I thought it was just considered a normality among people now.

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TV is designed to create drama, fantasy, and ratings. Kisses, like most everything else, are exaggerated to create a dramatic effect.


I think rather or not it is a big deal revolves around your generally view on kissing. Some will think its just a kiss and not a big deal. Others, like me, view kissing as a special act that is only done with someone we really really love. I am only going to kiss (no tongue), someone whom I love. And I am going to french kiss someone with whom I am in love with, and more then likely in a serious relationship with.

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Its not a big deal here at all. I could easily walk into a club, find a girl to dance with, and have my tongue in her mouth within 10 minutes...if I was so inclined


Some people take it more seriously than others, just like sex, or anything else. You'll find people who just think its fun, and some people who think it should be taken more seriously.

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OK.. This is an interesting topic. My very first real kiss from a boy.. I was 11 and it was my best friends 10 year old brother who stuck his tongue down my throat. We were playing spin the bottle. lol.


I love love love love kissing. I kiss my friends on the cheek. I kiss close friends a quick peck on the lips.


Dating.. hmmm I think on dates I'd kiss guys good-night with a kiss on the cheek or quick peck. At least on first dates....


But my lover... someone I really really care about and am in love with... I love kissing. I'm a kissing connasueir.... love dancing with the tongue.. but its gotta have purpose. Don't just stick it in there and try to touch my tonsils. I love to play.. nibble the lips... run my tongue on his upper lip.. dance back and forth.. kiss all over and suck on his bottom lip.. and if I am with the right type of kisser.. OMG!!! a kiss is all it takes to turn me to jelly.


Is there such a thing as bad kissing.. yeah.. not enough tongue.. or tonz of spit... uggghh.. no playing.. and just going through the motions...and some people can be trained to kiss your way... or to find a rythm that fits for both.. and some people never get there.


Lips... one of the things that caught my eye with my SO. I had to know how they felt.. I had to know if they knew how to dance.. and OMG.. I hit the jack-pot.. awesome awesome kisser. lol. And as someone wrote above... yes.. it was a good indicator if he'd be a wonderful and caring lover. Double jack-pot.

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  • 4 weeks later...



If it makes you feel any better, I only got my first kiss this past year at age 22. I still haven't had frenched kiss. So having been in your shoes, and for many years longer, I know it can seem like you are missing out on what everyone else is doing. But the way I see it, its not about getting a kiss, its about kissing the right person. That moment should be special, with someone you really care about. I had to wait 22 and a half years for that moment, but I wouldn't have wanted it any other way because when it did happen it was better then I could have imagined. It was with the right person whom I loved, and was wonderful. When you do kiss, it will be just as wonderful.


And when you kiss, try not to be nervous and just go with it. Enjoy it.

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I wouldnt say its that big a deal to be honest, althought i wouldnt appreciate it if i was dove on straight away. i think it can be a bit of an issue when a guy things "tongue" is the most essential thing to a kiss. Sometimes i just prefer a man whos good with his lips.


I also think its about control, some people can make a kiss sensual and others can make you feel as though you need a serious amount of oxygen or atleast a face wipe after seriously drooling on her. (vice versus)



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Can't say myself since I never had them or kissed someone who did. But google is an amazing thing.






If either has braces, the important thing not

to press too hard agains this lips. Otherwise the

braces will dig themselves into the inside of

his mouth. Ouch!

If you both have braces, don't worry! During

normal kissing your braces won't touch, so they

can't get tangled up with each other!




All these things are good questions. Relax, when you do kiss you'll do fine.

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