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Why is it we feel so many emotions when we drink?

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I just would like other peoples advice.


I am just wondering why we seem to feel so many emotions for ex's, current partners or other issues when we drink.


My interpretation is this;


When I drink I will start thinking about the one I love or lost (same thing to me) I would never make contact because of this, however, I just wanted to know if anybody has felt this way and have a logical answer to why? I know when I awake from a drunken stuper, I think logically and remember the hurt and pain that person has caused me I try to forget it, however, it is not far from thoughts.


Just wanted to see if anybody else does this, and if they can give me an insight to why?

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its a psychological phenomena. Basically you have a part of your brain that inhibits you from acting like a fool or getting over emotional. When you drink the alcohol puts that part of your brain 'to sleep'. So now that that part of your brain is 'asleep' it can no longer control your emotions or actions and that is when you find yourself getting over emotional about the ex, dancing on the table or landing up in bed with a complete stranger!

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That happened to me a lot in Halloween. I started flirting with guys and telling girls they were hot...and I normally would NEVER do this but would want to. Alcohol takes away your inhibitions so if you think about doing something, you will most likely do it without thinking thoroughly about it. Some people are definitely better at managing themselves while drunk. Just make sure you are safe with someone to look after you.

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Alcohol is a funny drug. Actually, the chemical action on your nervous system is a toxic action. So what you experience is a low-level poisoning. Drink a little too much, you can end up dead. Pretty funny, huh?


So on our way to death while having fun drinking, our nervous system starts to go haywire and its function diminishes because basically we are killing ourselves slowly. That's what happens when you start to die: all your body's normal functions stopping hitting their mark. This includes your nervous system. This includes your brain, and then your mind. Some people get all sentimental over their past (since its flashing before their eyes), others get violent and angry and confrontational, still others become sweet and horny and hilarious.


There are couple of kinds of drunks. Myself, for example, I can't drink too much because I get sick easily, so I have never, ever blacked out and done things I can't remember. But others drink and don't get sick, then they start acting like fools and driving and fighting and kissing, but in the morning all they remember is that second to last drink when they were still human.


In your case, I would suggest not drinking. Drinking until you pass out in delerium of emotional distress is a really bad habit and leads down a slippery slope. I personally know of many men who lost everything because of such behavior.

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Please don't misunderstand, I don't drink til the point of passing out by any means. I may have maximum a bottle over a period of 5 hours, to me that is not over the top. Just wondering about the feelings, not the outcome that it is slowly killing me.

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I would agree with dirtbubble. Also, if you are already feeling down, drinking will not help you feel better. It also may depend on what you're drinking and what mood you're in. I tend to stay away from hard liquor, because if i'm already feeling feisty, i risk really being nasty. So, I've learned to stay away!. Beer doesn't adversely affect me much. But everyone is different and there are definitely people who are really impaired by just one. So the best case is to use your good judgment based on your experience.


If you can have just one or two drinks and stop yourself at that, then i wouldn't worry about it, but if you start dirnking and can't stop, that indicates there is a problem. Drinking as a way to numb pain or medicate yourself is never an effective thing. It can cause a dangerous dependency. Watch out for that.

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As far as the feelings go, I too think about an ex even more when i am drinking- and it does not feel good. That's why i haven't been to bars much since the breakup a month ago.


I do know, however that he has been to the bars quite frequently- have heard reports that he has been almost falling down drunk. Knowing about how he is when he drinks, he is definitely either reminiscing or whining about me, one of the too- things he'd probably never do sober

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