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Broke Up 3 Months Ago...Doesn't Get It. What Should I do?

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Hey, yah so me and the ex brok up about 3 months ago. Now I have a new bf and I am happy as hell. But my ex keeps calling and wanting to hang out. He still has feelings for me. I stilll want to be his friend, but he thinks we are more than that! How do I let him know I just want to be FRIENDS? He says he has to talk to me EVERY day. It is kind of scary. It's not like he is stoking me...ok maybe a little bit like that but stilll...maybe he just likes me too much. I need to let him down easy. I've seen him cry...it aint pretty. What should I do?

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You really don't care about him much at all do you???


You are being very selfish by wanting him to be your friend after breaking up with him...


If you care about him at all let him be and do not be friends with him...He is hurting and will never get over you or what happened...


When you break up with someone you lose those things such as having him around as a friend and his family also...


Leave him be for his sake...

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i feel really bad for this guy.I know you dont want to hurt him, and im sure he is a great friend, but you gotta cut him off.You need to explain to him that while you do want to be friends you think it would be best if you spent a few months apart.After that stop answering his calls.Its tough love.Othewise your just torturing him.

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charlotte, please don't take any comments the wrong way...you never mentioned that in your original post...you just mentioned that you and him had broken up...


If you are happy with the person you are with right now...there is no need for your ex to be involved in your life....Just send him a very nice message like it was mentioned...tell him that you do not feel like being friends is a good idea and that you have moved on and to PLEASE not to contact you anymore.





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Good Charlotte sorry I assumed you broke up with him...My fault...


Well it seems he feels like he made a mistake and is regretting his decision now and wants you back...


Why did you two break up???


If you are happy and like this new guy as much as you say you do and feel nothing for the ex then tell him so and be adament about it...you two can't be friends anytime soon...


IF you like this new guy that much do you think it would really be fair to him to keep you ex around???

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