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Hey guys I just wanted to let you in on what happened to my Thanksgiving! As you know prieviously my ex has broke NC with me this week and I was doing good with the NC. But last night my ex texted me and told me Happy Thankgiving and all. So I replied to him and said thanks. So it sparked a conversation and it went well till he stated: "I could tell you have lost interest in me" i was like huh where is this coming from and yes Im still in the stages of getting over him and then I stated to him well im just not playing any games with you anymore and he got upset with me and cut me off witch is fine and typical for man that dealing with his own problem that he created . He broke up with me So what im really down about is that I shouldnt have responded to email and even said anything I would have had been feeling alot better , So i cried myself to sleep and I woke up this morning just feeling empty and also angry with him so I emailed him and let know how much he has hurt me and to basically to move on with his life becouse I cant take him back for what all he has done to me.And I wish that he would realize that he broke up with me that means move on with your life stop contacting me. I know my ex still have love for me and he knows it to but I cant keep falling into his games that hes trying to play with me and messing my head up .I just feel so stupid for even talking with and sending that email and I feel like the NC has fallen apt now. guys just keep praying for me and keep encourageing me becouse i was always told to never hate people But Im at the stage of it with him and Im very serious.


PS: guys here is the email I sent him by the way ! let me know how what you think



Dear EX,


After our conversation last night I woke up feeling very unsettled. I have decided to stop the chain reaction and tell you what I feel. I will no longer take the abuse! You goaded me into communicating with you all this holiday week. And look at what it got me last night.


I have appoligized to you repeatedly for my behavior in our relationship and yet you still can not let it go. You seem to think you have little to appoligize for. Trust me you have alot to appolgize for rather you realize it or not. Life is about choices and you made yours. You choose to leave the way you did and you have choosen to act the way you have. By the way where the hell is my money? No, (EX) I do not want to be your friend. Thank God I have wonderful friends and family to get me through. Yes, you hurt me. You WIN! But what did you WIN???


I loved you as much as I could love you. I opened up myself to you. Not to mention my home family and friends and look at what you did with it! It was my choice to stay with you when you finally came clean with your past and medical problems. It was your choice to hide things from me and apparently others at this point. You must have felt like the Big Man on campus we you slept with me after leaving me. Why did you have to turn out to be such a JERK?? Do you not realize people have feelings above your self??


I am putting a end to this. (Ex) if you must know I have a second job to fix the financial situation you put me in. And I bought my own car. I do not need you for anything, and I DAMN sure do not need your abuse.Are you sure you are not part Indian? Because you sur are an Indiand giver! You take back everything and anything you give You can not take what we shared together and rip it into shreads and ask to be my friend. Why in the hell would anyone want to be your friend if that is how you treat people you suppose to love? Again you Win you big LOOSER!!!!!!!!!!



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I sorry for what happened. Hope things get better for you. A friend told me that we should stop reacting to things that our exs say especially if they are the ones that broke up with us. Everytime we react, they know they still have a hold on us. They know that we still care, because if we really don't care anymore, we wouldn't react at all.


That is what i use to tell my ex when we were still together. She would always ask, why am i always concerned for her, why do i always react when she does things that i disapprove of. My answer, the day i stop reacting, is the day i stop caring........

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My answer, the day i stop reacting, is the day i stop caring........

Well said maxwell.


I know its hard but are you sure you would feel good after sending this letter and not feel giddy again coz he didnt reply or brood over what he emailed. COntrol yoursefl now, this is going to be very tough but if you are able to do this it will make you more strong and earn you respect with everyone including yourself and your ex.

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Yes guys I understand about stop reacting to him, but like I said he didnt care about my feelings and how he treated me in the end. I have gained alot of respect just for all he has done to me and to just keep playing his games. Im not doing it no more . I dont care about his feeling he dont care about mines. Pay backs will be pay backs but its time to move on. I was doing fine moving on and NC and all but somehow he wanted to play with my emotions again and Im sorry I dont have a feeling in the world for this guy. you be in a relationship with him 2 years of your life and he brakes up with you and he come out and tell you he Has HIV+ would you croke to and then make you feel bad becouse he felt like he was justified to do what he has done to me! you would only have to go and read the first post I wrote on here to get the scoop from where Im comeing from here and to know how much I have gotton stronger.

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