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I'm sick for seeing if I could take him there...I think...

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My ex text me on monday to tell me he got in a car accident I wrote back and he continued to write me(a first in 4 months) I kept my text short and wrote back once or twice well last night out of curiosity sake I thought I would text him and see if he would treat me like he always has in the past, just ignore it. I got a message right away and he continued to make small talk he then asked for a friendly favor and I agreed, I mean after I found out he was using me for sex while dating someone else I have lost all intrest in him as anything but a friend. He then asked how he could pay me back for this favor and he basically asked to give me sex which I told him no I'm a good girl now and I don't do that. I guess I'm worried that I'm being sick because all I really wanted to see was if I could take him there AGAIN even though I think he's seeing someone other then he was before. I am personally not ever going there again with him as everyone says time changes people but I wonder if he could ever be my friend without sex.

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he shouldnt have asked you for sex, when i broke up with my boyfriend, he asked me "we can still do everything that couples do, you know, see each other, sex, talk, and have fun together" i was shocked and devestated. and even last night he asked me for sex. i wouldnt go anywhere near u ex, he only wants one thing.

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