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Reuniting with someone

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what are the odds that you will reunite with someone from the past? I met someone who I really liked, and its virtually impossible that we will ever see eachother again, although we do live in the same town, However, I have a feeling like one day I will see this person again, do you think my feelings are just silly, has this ever happned to you, were your gut tells you that you may run into someone again, and then it actually happened? Similar to the saying, if you love something let it go, if it comes back to you its yours, if it does not, it never was. do you believe in that?

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I live in a small town, where it is inevitable that I will run into the same people over and over. So I get that feeling all the time, whether I want it or not.


I first saw one of my ex-boyfriends at an ice rink a couple cities away, though, where I developed a bit of a crush on him. I told my clostest friend that night that I was going to date him someday. The hockey season ended and I didn't see him for a whole year. Then I went to a hockey game with my brother and saw him playing. He saw me in the stands. Long story short, he called my brother, asked to talk to me, and we dated for a year and a half after that. He still doesn't believe that I had actually once said I would date him someday. But it was a very odd coincidence.

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I DEFINETLY believe this is possible. I knew a couple who met one night..at a party or something. He looked at her , told her he was going to marry her one day and kissed her. She slapped him. Ten years and 2 kids later..they are still happily married.


Intuition and instincts WILL tell you a lot. I have VERY strong intuition about things..especially people and what they are about.I am usually dead on. Follow your intuition.

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It might depends on how big your town is. or if you guys had mutual acquaintances. I was in a similar situation about a month ago and I should've left some contact info. We used to work together, but I was shy and left without following up. That's always a regret factor because I do think about her sometimes and what might've been. I hope the best works out for you. Good luck!

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It can happen, happens more then you would think. The important thing is to not let that hope blind you to other opportunities that might be there for you. If it is meant to happen, it will. It will happen in its own time, when the moment is right. Until then, live. Life has so much to offer, experience all of it. And should you reunite with the person, enjoy that moment to the fullest.

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