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First off, I will start with a little background. This should aid with the advice a bit. I met the girl around third grade. We have been friendly acquaintences since then. We never have really hung out or anything but have been able to sit and talk, in classes mainly. Our belief structures are very similar with religion and we have very similar senses of humor. I attempt to be funny, usually, and she seems to laugh at my attempts. A few times she has responded with "i love you". This is usually after a joke or something. I could easily read way to far into that one. Her parents and I have been on good terms though I have not seen them in a long time. This may or may not be a good thing as she has an unstable relationship with her mother. She remembers things about my life that i rarely talk about. An example: one we were talking about dogs and she recalled my dogs name. These little tidbits that she remembers about me may indicate interest or may just be me reading too much into it.


Secondly, my problem. I have trouble being sure of whether she is interested in me or not. She has had and may currently have a boyfriend. He, however, has been in and out of the picture and i want to find out if he is currently in.

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hey i know how u feel i had that kind of girl i am with her right now so ur friends that good but why don't u start like asking her out getting closer i mean how old are u i'm 14 and depending on how ur girl acts u could be in a possicen to stike and take the gold my friend

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