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Does Size Really Matter???

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I have been dating this guy for about a couple of days now and we

have decided to take things to the next level. One night we were sitting on the couch and were making out when he took off his shirt and he took mine off too I wanted it and soo did he so we got naked and I realized his Penis was dang small I don't know him very well so I don't know If I should dump him for his penisor just take it as it doesn't matter? So here is the question does size really matter???

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Size doesn't matter.


What people fail to comment on is that the actual sex act is short. The thrusting and grunting... short...


What should be, and in good sex is, long is the foreplay. The teasing, the touching, the licking, the kissing... etc Hell most women can only have an orgasm through oral sex. If he is small BUT can give you long, good foreplay. Keep him. If his dick is huge but he doesn't believe in foreplay or is shitty at it... dump him.


When a woman has had good foreplay... she doesn't care about size.

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oh i am not hearing this...................you have known he for a matter of DAYS, and you want to know from us if his size matters? oh dear. I agree dump him please....just so he can find someone who will take the time to like him for who he is....not someone worried about his size.

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Well it really all depends what you've had before. If you're used to big penises he might not be able to fully pleasure you. Most girls like the feeling of being full with someone. Honestly though if it's longer then 4 and a half inches it's plenty big as far as filling you up. As long as he's as wide as you others or fairly close there's no problem.


If you want really kinky sex then you're going to need a penis at least 6 inches long so you can switch positions without him falling out.


BTW kdreger, sex can be long and should be long... foreplay is just that foreplay. Sex is the main course so to speak. Most women haven't experienced orgasm during intercourse but they all can. You just have to work at it for a long time! At least 30 minutes in most cases, and that's if you're doing everything right. It's worth it though trust me

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Come on Segagirl... Let's not be too quick to judge. We don't even know how long she knew him BEFORE they were dating. Besides it's up to her when she wants to be with a guy. This forum is for helpful advice not to thrust your judgement on people right?


We're all friends here likes try to help her.

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I can't help but feel that your response pertains to me as well, so I would like to reply. Clearly you have some clue whats going on but I have to wonder why you would waste your time with this crap. Why am I wasting my time with this? Anyway, I help, or I should say offer my advise/opinions to people with REAL issues. These penis size forums are for confused young people. I think that the person who posted this message must be young and confused, and for that reason I apologize for coming off too strong.

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ok fair enough, here is my advice for this issue.

On sunday you posted a question to us about your boyfriend of 4 years and the trouble you were having. I think right now you should dealing with the horrible feelings you indicated you were having for him, and maybe not worry about anything else. If you are trying to "avoid" feelings about your boyfriend (or now i assume ex), and are were looking for causal sex, then by all means....worry about size. Now from your post I dont think you are looking for causal since you ask if you should keep seeing him , so no I dont think size matters.

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well...i always agree with heretic, because he gives good & open views.


From the sounds of it, if he wasnt hiding anything a bout his body when he took off both of your clothes, he must be secure with his package, and secure in his ability to please his woman as well. You didnt mention if he was hard or soft, but when a man is not hard, his penis is considerably smaller until he becomes aroused, then it grows to a nice size.


Weather or not it turns out to be small after he is erect or large, its a bit soon in the relationship to judge what could be a perfectly wonderful man, because of ur disappointment in the size of his sexual organ, which may not have even been erect at the time of disrobing. Give the brotha a decent chance to show you just how wonderful of a man he is, outside of the sex department,...before you lay the book of judgement on him by showing this disapointment so soon.


Its only been 2 days of dating...it takes a number of years to get to know what hes capable of doing..and if he treats u like a lady should be treated, respects you and can make u cum...then the size really shouldnt matter, unless u place a more important emphasis on sex than your overall happiness.


As long as u are happy, thats all that matters...



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i so agree with cookies and that don't just jugde him on the size of his *beep* but on how he performs and how he treats you but if ur not pleased with pleasure then i'm srry dumb him and u guys had sex olny after a few days maybe don't u think he could be using u or made some bet with some guys and were u a virgin when u had sex with him?

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The fact that you're worried about the size of his eqipment instead of the act itself is what worries me... sex is a beautiful, sensual thing that should be saved for someone that has earned your love and respect. I don't know your situation with this guy or your beliefs about monogamy, but wait until you find someone that you love; and make sure the feelings are mutual. Hope this helps!




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  • 2 months later...

It's a fact that 70% of women wish their man's penis was larger. Most women will admit that bigger is better.....it only makes sense that a larger penis is going to offer more vaginal stimulation as it is making more skin to skin contact (especially with the clitoris) than a smaller penis. Check out the website below, it's my new favorite site!!

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