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While going on my camping trip over the 4th of July weekend I noticed a very beatiful girl camping directly behing me. Aparently my dad is friends with her dad so they talk with each other alot. I didnt really notice her flirting with me or anything, etc.., although one time i seen her staring at me when i glanced over but i felt she was just getting a good look at me since it was probley the first time she seen me really.. the second day she came over to my campsite because her dad was over. me and my friends were getting ready to go tubing so my step-mom decided to ask her if she wanted to join us, so she said she'd feel weird going with people she didnt know but she decided to go anyway... during the trip i didnt really notice to much.. we talked a little and maybe a few time i seen her staring at me when i glanced over but nothing much.. when we got back i was holding my 2-year-old brother and she got "REALLY" close and said it was cute because she never seen a older brother taking care of his younger brother... when we got back she went back to her camper and sat down at the table.. (the window she was sitting by faced mine) ... a few times time i quickly glanced over i seen her staring at me or right in the area i was sitting at... when her dad was talking to my dad later that night she came over but we really didnt talk... i didnt really she her staring at me either... altought her dad was talking about how nice of boyfriend she had after she went to bed.. (he was telling my step mom) it really pissed me off and i got depressed... anyways, i need to know if she likes me...what can i do (im not a flirty perosn) .. more laidback.. etc... help me!

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You should talk to her more dude, get to know her a little better, just make interesting conversation. Remember a girl/woman likes a man with confidence. It is clear she likes you and wants to get to know you better.

Take advantage of the situation, you may regret it later!

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