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My Story, Opinions wanted

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Here is my story:


My ex and I dated for almost a year, but we were never officially "boyfriend and girlfriend". She indicated that she wanted more from me on many occasions, but I always brushed her advances off. We spent a lot of time together and had fun in the beginning, but soon we were fighting a lot, because she said she wasn't getting what she wanted. I cared about her, but I just wasn't ready to commit to her just yet, I move slow. She introduced me to her family, friends, and even co-workers. I even spent the holidays with her family, which was nice. She, however, complained that I never introduced her to my family or friends, and that bothered her. She told me she loved me after 5 months, but I didn't say it back, because I wasn't sure how I felt. She said since I wasn't her boyfriend that she could do whatever she wanted. She went out with other guys, and of course it bothered me. I think she just did it to get me jealous, because she would always let me know about it. Still, I didn't make her my girlfriend, but I still cared for her, and we still dated. She would tell me she loved me about every month, and I never said it back. She continued to ask me to be her boyfriend, but I always denied her. Finally, one day I told her I wanted to be more serious with her, and she said she would think about it, one week later she dumped me. I finally decided to give her what she wanted, but it was too late. I tried to convince her to stay, but she didn't change her mind. Funny thing is, she did say she loved me one last time just 4 days before ending it. She still wants to be friends she says, and she calls me every now and then to talk, but we always end up fighting because I talk about "us" and how I want to be with her so much. She is seeing someone new now and she says she is happy. I regret not telling her how I felt when I was with her, and I would give anything to once and for all, be her boyfriend. Any advice???

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It sounds like you two were not able to fulfil one another, despite your best efforts. Such a thing is always a shame, especially when there are two good people who want to be together. But it really is best to move on, in my opinion. My ex and I have constantly tried to get back together and patch up our flagging relationship, but if one thing wasn't amiss, it was another, and in the end we hurt and disappointed the other more and more. Don't let it get to this stage, really - we all get one chance in this life, so you may as well hold onto the good memories and do all it takes to prevent bad ones from developing. Sorry if my advice is a little pessimistic but I've literally spent all night arguing with my ex!

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