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Thumping in the ovaries


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Hey me and my girlfriend had sex and then we were joking around wrestling and then we felt her vagina area and relized it was thumping as if it was her heart or something.. like the ovaries were thumping is this normal? she hasnt had her period for some time now..2 weeks i believe and the preg tests keep coming up negative


both sides of her vagina were thumping near the ovary area i believe

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I doubt that it are the ovaries, after an orgasm, the vagina contracts (that's why female orgasm enhances the chance of getting pregnant, it sort of pulls in the sperm). That might be what you felt. I had an ultrasound when this contraceptive device was inserted, and you can see the uterus sort of thumping as well.


I really think you have nothing to worry about, at least what you felt would not be any sign of an early pregnancy if that's what your thinking. About that, did she have her blood checked? Stressing out about possible pregnancy can also delay the period.



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Don't worry about the thumping.. you guys were having sex and then goofing off and wrestling. I'd say lots of blood was pumping through her veins and arteries. And as the previous poster mentioned... the uterus does contract and release during orgasm.. "sucking" up all that sperm.. doing what its supposed to do to facilitate in reproduction.


Test keep coming out negative?? well, she's probably just stressed .. waiting for it. has she seen a doctor to talk about birth control.. and more effective means to protect yourselves???? now's the time darlin. Better be safe than sorry.

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Do you use condoms every time?


There are alot of STD's that show no symptoms but can devestate your fertility and your body.


Please use good judgement and don't risk your health and safety.


It only takes one time, and believe me, you are NOT invincible.


Protect yourselves every time you have sex.

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Actually, for many years my ovaries used to "thump" right on schedule, exactly coinciding with my time of ovulation. It went on for years, but I never knew about it happening to anybody besides me. And really, the ovaries aren't near the vagina... they're off to the each side and higher up.

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