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virginity poll

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hi. to be honest i dont feel that i must be married to before losing my virginity. to me its more about being true to myself and being in a committed, healthy, loving and in love relationship. and love doesnt happen quickly (thats another post lol). so to me its not about marriage, but it is a very important thing that should be held on to until you KNOW IN YOUR HEART its right. if you feel you MIGHT POSSIBLY have regrets, then dont do it. simple as that for me.

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i'm mid 40's and married 20 years.(faithful). when I was younger I thought virginity might be a good thing for marriage, but now no way. In fact I have a gorgeous 17 yr old daughter and no way would i want her to wait for marriage, (and I'm an active church guy).


but i don't think promiscuity is good. each time you give yourself to the intimate sex, you give a part of yourself. if you do it loosely, i don't think it is good for you soul. also, guys often lie to get sex, anytime you lie and take advantage of other people it is no good. i had less than 6 partners before marriage. i've looked at the don juans and i don't envy them, because the way i've seen it, guys like me, less partners, less bull to women, less taking advantage, well - in the long run, alot of us have great sex while married, like me, and have well made up for the slow days.


sex is a very special thing and not meant to be done too casually.

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Hardcharger - that's a very interesting perspective - especially from someone at your age with a Daughter at the age she very well may be having sex and being active in the church. Given your marriage and life experience I take your opinion with a bit more seriousness than pure face value of it, so if it is possible to PM you and discuss it further on MSN/AIM/Whatever you use it'd be appreciated - Im going out shortly so i dont have time now to discuss it, but another time would be cool

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my good sex life is the most important part of my marriage, that is one thing I can't get anywhere else, but from my wife. maybe i'm just lucky to have a lady who understands my needs and who takes the time to fulfill them. THANK YOU SWEETIE!!!!! But many gals don't put out after a bit of marriage. I think often is because their husband doesn't fulfill their needs somehow, or maybe physical goes(don't get fat!!!-you might get away with it at 25, but a fat 45 is a whole different thing to sleep with). So they don't put out and the husband thinks it the women fault, when really she doesn't give a *, because she just doesn't care, it is revolting to her to sleep with that guy. (too bad she is married to him).


OTOH, women seem to go frigid, and that is total bull that their sex peak is mid 30's, believe me, the guys i talk to are all raring to go in their 40's, it is the women who are fagging out.

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