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His little habbit../anyone else have or heard of this?

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Okay first off as most of you know me and my boyfriend are getting married in 3 months and our sex life is great thanks for the tips on my last post about ways to heat things up ..


anyway on to the little well not problem but just something that has me wondering... Okay I have noticed everytime me and my boyfriend have sex right before he gets ready to pop he sticks 2 of his fingers in my mouth. Now see at first i didnt really pay any attention to it because we cum around the same time and im too busy taking in that moment to notice bu the other night i started to see a repeated patteren.. its kidda odd i think but i guess all guys have there little things.. But the question is does anyone else do this or has a partner who does.. well thats all i wanted to know..lol until next time..

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Does he want you to suck on them, or does he kind of "hook them"?


If it's something like the former, the sucking sensation may be something he likes as it can emphasize the orgasmic feelings...fingertips are very sensitive and good receptors!


If it's the latter or some variation of that - well, this is something that seems to be theme in some porns etc - fishhooking. I don't know why it is, or what is appealing about it from the guys point of view, from what I know it seems to be a control/dominance kind of thing, or in some situations a kink thing.

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