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I feel really down!

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Hi all!


Well i'm not feeling my best at the moment and need some cheering up! My situation was that i like this girl at my work place and at the beginning it was her who flirted with me!


Since i haven't been out with anyone else am not too good in that department if she was flirting! She used to wink, always look my way in the office and smile alot!


I did the same only recently i started getting a vibe that she wasn't into me anymore.(i guess i may missed my chance - still don't know). She's not going out with anyone!


Anyway i asked one of her coworkers if she like me and found out she sees me as a mate and don't have romantic feelings for me!


The way i feel is really gutted bcos i thought she was everything i wanted from a girl and her co-worker said we would have made a great couple. She was sincere, polite, kind and a cute smile!


How does someone get over a thing like this! Guys & Girls help me out here bcos i feel probably really down!!! i need some words of wisdom, to bring my confidence levels up. It was her who gave me confidence in chatting to women which i didn't used to do! i was quite shy when talking to them! Now i have more female friends than male friends but none that i feel i would go out with!


She was really special !

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Hey Homer!


lol big "DOH" here huh?


My suggestion is, don't get gutted. This is a time to show her that you ain't no wussbag and just coz she's not showing the attention she did no more doesn't mean that's gonna get you down. In fact, use this as your strength, you had a chance originally (not one that came after a while) that's a good sign, you can still have one again.


Now's your time to act, give her some of that flare she gives you back and don't be afraid. If it doesn't work, it doesn't work, you went down fighting! Have a quick look at this and see if you can make use of anything here (you may find it controversial, but really who do you want to be? different or norm?):




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If think it sounds like she WAS interested, but is not any longer. Maybe you waited too long. Feelings are not static things, they are dynamic (They change, they don't stay the same).


Let's look at the good things. An attractive woman flirted with you. What does that mean? Well, I can and do flrit with lots of women, but one cannot flirt with someone that one finds utterly unattractive. So, the simple fact that she did flirt with you means she found you attractive. No two ways about it.


Second, you spoke to and are able to talk to an attractive woman. OK, so the end goal did not get reached her, the two of you are not ready to walk down the aisle into a long life of wedded bliss. Read a few posts in the breaking up section and you will realize that for most of us lots of relationships fail before we find the right one. Some never do. That does not stop us from trying to find the right one. Relationships end, we get hurt, we lick our wounds, we heal, we get back out there. Get back on out there.


My guess is here that you just don't know what to do, when you move, how to act to get women. Dating involves certain skills, tactics and strategies, some of which come naturally to some. For others we need to work on our skills, etc. Get to work. Learn some skills, learn what works.

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