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More drama in my situation...

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Hi there,


No you are not being a jerk and no don't call to clear things up. There is nothing to clear up, she broke up with you so there is nothing wrong with you doing what's best for you at the moment. She did what was best for her by breaking up with you so why can't you do the same? She is just PO'ed because she can't have her cake and eat it to. She wants to move on with her life while having you mope around and miss you. Men AND women do it, it's a power and ego thing. Don't, please I repeat, don't fall for this drama act. I would stop talking to your mutual friends for awhile, it seems you get set back a few paces whenever you talk to these people and relay messages of stuff she supposedly said. Keep with the NC and stay strong, you are doing great!

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yes unfortunately friends can either work with you or against you. My advice is to try to keep your stuff to yourself or friends that will. Also in my expierence i let go of what anyone said to me. I didnt allow it to change my behavior and or actions. I stayed on course remained confident and it worked out for me. man , forget what she said. You cant control others. Focus on you.

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Ehhh...its like you try to be the decent person but everything just keeps backfiring. I didnt contact her and I dont plan on doing so after reading your guys' advice.


This is just really weird since when I left girls in the past, I completely respected their wishes and I was very understanding of the situation and such. I hope shes just doing this because shes emotional and not because she actually expects an Ex that she leaves to be buddy buddy with her.


Man, this "relationships" thing is really starting to seem like its not ever worth pursuing again.




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Yeah, she is pissed b/c she thinks you are in the wrong. What did she think was going to happen? You were going to be all happy and go lucky that she just ripped your heart out? Screw her. You should be the one pissed off. If her friends are smart they know that she is being an idiot.


If she cared about you she will understand why you need to do this. This is for you not her. Dont make it easy on her b/c she sure as hell didnt make it easy on you.

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ask your friends not to tell you anything about her and her life, you don't need to hear stuff like that


I agree that you may have to avoid mutual friends, or just don't share so much with them


make sure you have your own friends, people you can trust to share your thoughts and feelings with who won't betray you by talking to her


you're not a jerk for doing NC, you are taking care of yourself, and that's a very mature thing to do


don't beat yourself up for meeting your own needs!

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