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I Think I Messed Up A Great Friendship Please Help!!!

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ok here is my story. I met this wonderful guy we met through another person online. Anyways we talked occasionally at first you know a hello whenever we saw each other online. Well then it progressed where we were talking to each other on a daily basis and then we started talking on the phone on a daily basis. He even is planning to come out to where I live to see the sights and to meet me (that is if I didn't mess it up too much)


He is not my boyfriend although I have told him I like him and when he comes out I hope we connect as well as we do on the phone and computer.


Now the trouble....

Yesterday I saw him online briefly but he was going out the door and said he would call me in a few hours. I knew he had things to do and he probably wouldnt call me until the evening. That was fine... I was online emailing someone and I saw his name it said he was now offline. I was shocked I didnt even see him get online. So I called him at his house and it went to voicemail.. I was so stoked that he was home and we could talk that I left I dont know how many voicemails and called tooo many times.. He never did answer my calls that night.


I feel just horrible I have emailed my apologies and left a vmail stating how foolish I was and how truly sorry and crappy I feel about panicking.I just wish it wouldnt of happened the rational side said he was probably not in the mood to talk however my panic mode got into gear. I havent heard anything back on my emails and I hope he still plans on coming out next month. What should I do??? Should I stop trying to get a hold of him? I just want to remedy this situation I have gummed up so well?


I want him to know that it was a lapse in judgement on my part and that I truly value our friendship and I value him.


Can anyone offer any advice on what I should or shouldnt do?


Thanks a whole bunch,


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