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I don't know what to do anymore

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I'm at a mpoint right now where i feel my life sucks. I feel like i am in a rutt and have nothing or noone to look forward too.


Whenever i get involved with someone, i get attached more than i should, quicker than i should and then it hurts when they are gone!


I had been sleeping with a guy off and on for three years (not anymore though)I knew nothing would ever come of the "relationship" i had with this guy, but i guess deep down i wanted it to. It hurts so much now when i see this guy, that i just want to cry. He was my first, he became like a friend of mine, and then he moved away to work on the oil rigs! At first this hurt when he told me, but now i am happy when hes gone. He came back this weekend (i'm from a small town so not seeing him isn't an option) and it just hurts so bad seeing him!!




Sorry, just had to vent some, but I just don't know what to do

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It sounds like you have no self-confidence. When you find a relationship, you cling to it, as a way of boosting up yourself, right? I suggest this: find something that makes you happy. Don't make someone else responsible for your happiness. Only you can do that. So get out there and find your happy ending. Good luck.

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You are actually the way I am. I get attached way to easy and even knowing that I still do it. I have had 3 previous serious relationships in my life and I thought all 3 of them just hung the moon and i couldnt live without them then they all ended up cheating on me, 1 was abusive. I was even married and now divorced to a guy who cheated on me in my own house 6 weeks after I gave birth to his child. I know how you feel because even now after being through what I was through when I see my ex-husband I feel that knot in my throat you know the one you get right before you cry, or puke depending on the person lol, and I just cant wait for him to go away. I think you will be just fine as long as you keep your head up. There is alot of heartache in this world and I have came to the conclusion that there is a reason for everything and whatever happens to up, good or bad is just a way of making us stronger for what is yet to come in our lives. I am not trying to preach to you or anything just think that you need a boost of self esteem and realize you are young, you have your whole life to look forward to. My grandfather use to tell me that what doesnt kill us makes us stronger, I use to laugh at him, no I know he was serious and right!!!

Good luck to you and keep your head up.

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I'm sorry to hear that you're in a rutt right now, and that there isn't much too look forward too.


Since you're in a rutt, have you thought about what you could try thats new? Maybe take singing lessons? Or try out for a play? Self Defense Class? I think trying some new things might help you double fold; one you'll be doing something new, and potentially exciting and fun, and two you might just meet someone special.


I think getting attached early isn't necessarily a bad thing; it could mean that you let yourself be vunerable, that you're not guarded and you don't have things that keep you from committing yourself to a relationship. I see those as positive qualities.


The pain and hurt you feel when someone you care about leaves is natural. I know it hurts a lot, its terrible feeling, and I wish that we never had to go through it.


What do you like to do that makes you feel good?

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