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Okay... so here's what happened. I'm on Alesse 21 but lately I havent been home a lot so I missed a couple pills... Took them the next day. I have been pretty slack on them because my boyfriend and I broke up and I took a few late... So anyway, I had sex last night... and he came inside of me... and I know nothing is 100% effective.. but is there a huge chance I could get pregnant? My period is supposed to come this week, which means I was ovulating around the beginning of the month. I really need some input !!! My friend did this with her boyfriend not on the pill, and she didn't get pregnant... Anyways, replies are greatly appreciated!




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Hi Katie Emma,

With most pills you have a 12 hour margin of error - read the pill info and see if this applies to Alesse - obviously, this is only helpful if you took the missed pills within 12 hours of when you should have.

The surefire way not to get pregnant is to get a "morning after" pill TODAY since you had sex yesterday.


I hope it works out alright for you!

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Forget your chances right now. Is your health worth the risk?


Go for a pregnancy test, either do one at home, or go to your doctor. Make an appointment at your local GU clinic and ask to best tested for everything, althought if you've contracted HIV it'll take 3 months before a test will detect it.

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Everytime you miss a pill or take it late, your chances of pregnancy increase.


Basically, with real life use, the pill is about 95% effective (99% is only for "perfect use" which rarely happens) and if you miss a pill more then once your effectiveness reduces.


The fact is at the beginning of the month you would not be ovulating as the pill prevents that. So when you miss a pill, your body can reboot the ovulation process and ovulate THEN or afterwards. It's why when you miss a pill and even take it the next day, you should use condoms for the next seven days along with taking pill as prescribed in case you do ovulate.


I have known 4-5 people whom got pregnant on pill - either with "near perfect use" or just by missing ONE pill.


The only thing you can do now is go get the MAP, and wait and see. In a couple weeks take a pregnancy test (MAP can throw your period off too so waiting to be late may not be indicative).


And also, how well do you know this guys sexual history? Might be a good idea to get tested too.


If you are not able to take pill regularly, talk to doc about a different birth control, and use condoms ALWAYS with new partners unless you are both prepared in case their is a pregnancy.

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