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Hey You...


I know you're out there, and I'm not gonna give up on you. I guess it's just not the right time - I know it's not, but if we wait and prove ourselves ready, it'll be right, and we'll feel it.


*I just think that not enough people wait, and they focus too much on their frustration rather than their beauty.


*I was also thinking that we think we're ready when we're really not. I used to think that I was ready 2 years ago, but I wasn't confident and didn't love myself the way I should've. If we don't have our priorities straight in ourselves, how are we supposed to prioritize our signif other?


*All I know is, all of this waiting will make me much more appreciative and concientious about "the one" when he comes along, than if I had him right away.


*I think that those of us that wait for what's right will be greatly rewarded, and I know that we will use our happiness to spread joy and inspiration as a gift in return for our good fortune.

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I think being "ready" is when both you and your signif. other are at a point in life where the two of you are ready to operate both separate and together for the greater good.


Like separately, both of you are at a point where you love yourself, love your higher power (if you believe in one) and submit yourself to humility by accepting defeat yet continue to consistently seek wisdom and knowledge.


Perhaps, then, if your signif. other is at this same point, he/she is brought to you and you are brought to them almost out of necessity b/c at this point, both are "ready" to help each other seek that same goodness, wisdom, and knowledge that the both of you are searching for.


I think being "ready" doesn't have to mean that we have our lives all figured out before we meet that person, but I think it means that we are at a point where we are both at peace with ourselves and understand and embrace the various forms of love. And maybe, when we are "ready," we may not even know it b/c we won't be focussing so much on what we don't have (our signif other) and rather instead, we will be focussing on all that we do have (peace, love, friends..etc).


Maybe our signif. other shouldn't be desired as greedily,obssessively, or idealistically as we tend to oftentimes do. (a big fault of mine). Perhaps, instead, we should want our significant other in a peaceful, humble, quiet, yet hopeful manner - a way that I am still trying to learn how to do.


That's my best guess.

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All I know is, when it's right... when it's really right, we will know if we ask to know.


I've been praying a long time about this, and last year, when I was really asking for guidance and at my utmost despair, I had this dream. It was a miraculous dream in which I felt romantic love in the way that it should be felt between two people who are meant to be together.


I can't really explain it. It was adoration and contentent mixed with like an unconditional type of loyalty. The feeling was magnetic and intense. I knew without words that he felt the same way, and I remember wrapping my arms around him and not wanting to let him go until I showed him to my parents.


Now, this is the kinda strange, rather prophetic/coincidental part. The next day, I was reading the Bible, and what I do when I get really in the mode, is ask God to guide my hands to the right pages to answer the issues on my mind. Well, that day, I came accross Song of Songs, which talks all about God's way of answering how love should be felt between 2 signif. others. But the one verse that I came accross happened to match the exact scenario that occurred in my dream!!! Here's the lil passage:


"Scarely had I passed them when I found the one my heart loves. I held him and would not let him go till I had brought him to my mother's house." - Songs of Songs 3:4.


So yeah, all I know is, if "the one" ever comes along, I will know he's right when I feel that way. Even if I think he's right, and everything is going well, I just don't think I can believe he really is "the one" unless I feel those feelings for him that I felt in my dream.


Perhaps the reason why we don't know more is because we just don't ask. My friend told me the other day that it's okay to just pray to know what to pray for.

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That was beautiful. I completely agree. When it happens, you just know. It shouldn't be about making it happen, trying to attract others, playing games or manipulating others into liking you. It should happen naturally. It shouldn't be our focus or something we obsess over. We should focus on what we have, not what we don't have at this point in time. We should want our love in a humble, peaceful, yet hopeful manner.


You are on the right track. That love will happen for you. Keep up hope.

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My friend just asked me a question the other day regarding "the one." She said that if our desire to be with someone can not be fulfilled by God, then how can it ever be fulfilled by a person of the flesh?


She further explained her point in a way that I never thought of before. She continued by asking why we think that we are only going to be happy when we find THE one. Instead of waiting, longing, and desiring for a person, we should be waiting, longing, and desiring for God, which is much easier to find - it's only one prayer away.


I can't say that I have ever waited, longed, and desired for God's love as much as I have for an intended's. Also, it was only until recently that I could tell God that I truly loved Him. It was just something that I never could comprehend before - I used to just see God as a provider and a creator. To treasure Him as much and more as "the one," seemed unfathomable.

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Warning: Philosophical and Theological ponderings coming up.... just an idea that has provided me with comfort and understanding of this complex issue.


I think that the longing and desiring for God is compatible with the longing for "the one" in flesh. I look at God as more of a spirit, an essense that is inside each of us. God is love. So when we love one another and share what is in our heart, we are also sharing in God's wonder, in God's love. Each person we connect with is connecting with God.


Finding "the one" is finding a love that is true and magical. It's as close as I can imagine being to the level of love God provides.

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Probably because God is not physical. You cannot see Him or touch Him and unless you open your heart and soul to Him, you're not going to long for Him. God is indeed the Ultimate One. But we can get to Him with ease. We can talk to Him, seek Him out, He will be there when we call for Him.


On the flip side, we long for he touch of a significant other. God's love is totally different, just like the love from a parent or a really good friend. I am so longing for my One but I am running out of patience. I think that if I have been so miserable for the last 15 years waiting for my Soulmate, and she has yet to surface, then I think I am chasing an illusion. Was I meant to suffer loneliness for this long? If so, that is cruel.


There are plenty of people who can have the love of God and no one else. To some, that is all you need. But God is in another realm. We are in this realm, the physical realm, and it gets lonely when we can't get the love that this physical realm requires to satisfy us. We want to laugh with, hold hands with, kiss, make love to our physical soulmate. And when there is no physical love, it can get lonely. It takes a powerful and strong belief and embracing of God's love to not be miserable... but even then it can get lonely, because we are here. Now.

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