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I need ANSWERS quick!!!!!

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Hey everyone!

I'm new to this soo...

My bf and I have been dating for 5 months. We are sexually active and on the 2nd of November I was supposed to get my period but it never came. It's now the 10th and it's still not here. I have taken 2 preg. test and they both came out negative.

I just want to know is this normal? should I be worried? sould I get a diff. brand? what coould be causing this?

An anwer to any of these questions would be VERY much appreciated.


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Menstrual cycles can very from time to time. It is definitely to early to tell if you were pregnant or not, and your best bet would be the blood test as earlier mentioned. I would use protection from here on out though if you do not want to have a child. It only takes once, so be careful.

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Thank you everyone!!!

But just how early is too early b/c the test that I took said that it shows 4 days b4 missed period. How long would I have to wait in order to know just by taking another test. I can't go to the docs office w/o my mom not to mention she and my father are docters. How soon can I notice simptoms of preg.? Could anything else be causing me not to get my period? by the way I'm only 16

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I know she reads the directions, on both tests.. I assume she is doing it right.. she didnt mention that she was sick the same week she was suppost to get her period. To me she is showing no signs of prenancy, then again im not a doctor i just go on what i read. I know of girls being as late as 2 months totaly skipping periods...

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