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Falling for guy friend?

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Ok so here's the deal. I've known my guy friend for years, and It has all been just friendly. The thought that he and I could be more than just friends certainly passed through my head, but he was always in relationships so I just ignored my feelings. He has been single for a while now, and I have been supressing my feelings because I don't want to ruin the friendship, and because I'm not even sure if i do like him as more than a friend, or if I just really like him as a person. Here's what happens. when I see him I get really happy, and I flirt a bit. I want him to notice me, and sometimes I get upset that he has not ever tried to make a move on me. I think he just likes me as a friend, which is why I try to flirt, in order for him to see the possibility of me as more than a friend. Should i just keep flirting and see what happens, or should I forget about him as more than a friend?

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Hey. I had the same problem a few years back until this day. Now I am married though, so I have to forget about it. But.....sometimes I wish that I'd made a move. I just found out in the last few months that this friend of mine has always loved me and I was just to blind to see it. I had the same worries as you, but I now look back and realize that he and I have always been closer than ever. Everyone always thought that we were dating cuz we were so close. If you think that you should try it then I say go for it. You don't wanna regret it someday. Just say something like you were wondering if he would ever go out with you to see if there could be something more than friendship. If he says that he doesn't like you like that say something like that's ok just thought that I'd ask. Good luck!

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thanks to all the replies... I have been flirting a little bit with him, but it does not seem to work. sometimes he firts back. Usually, he dismisses it, or seems disinterested. This is what happens all the time. I try to move on from him, and not view him as more than a firend, but then being around him, I start to like him. What should I do?

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