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what to do, oh what to do....


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okay so to keep it simple


I still really like this girl from last year (if you've read my earlier posts)

and it's a little harder to talk to her since we have no classes together...

but whenever we say hi in the hallways it's still like a bright smile and I still get the jitters when she says hi...


have no idea how to approach this because I think it would be too akward and random to just go up to her one of those times and just ask her flat out...and I'm not the type to ask out online (cuz there's no sense of "emotion" when you do it that way)


if anyone has any ideas at all (for anything that I can do)

thanks again

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You should absolutely go up to her and 'awkwardly' ask her. Lol, its funny hearing myself say that, cause its something I would NEVER do myself. Or would have in the past anyway... What do you have to lose? If anything, you will gain a chance to get to know her better, or you will gain the knowledge that she isn't interested. Either way, its better then not knowing isn't it? If you have the courage to say something, just do it. Even if you or the situation is awkward, she might just appreciate and recognize the effort



good luck.



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I think that you need to build some kind of friendship with this girl or atleast talk to her more. I think that no matter how you approach the issue its going to be awkward for you. There are many approaches to this problem you need to find one that works best for you. You can be direct or you can play a more passive role but since you are the one that likes this girl I would try an approach that increases your likelyhood of success.

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well avoid any awkwardness if you can, which you can't. That is, if going up to her and striking up a convo feels awkward. You need to talk to her and you need to start it!


don't ask her out right away! Talk first a bit, not too much, but some convos so that she feels comfortable around you. Talk to her at least once, if you read her body language that she's ready to be asked out, do it. But it's pointless to go and ask her out without first getting some kind of picture of what she thinks of you.

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ok i'm guessin that you guys haven't read my earlier posts



we're already friends and we talk a lot already (like random stuff which is really cool)

but like i can't help thinking in the back of my head what it would be like to blurt it all out like an idiot. Like I have a pretty good amount of self confidence, but this girl seems to unknowingly find a way to make me crumble




so yeah, it's nothing like she has no idea who I am, we've known eachother and have been friends for like 3-4 years now


thanks again to everyone

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