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hi everyone.. my name is kelsey and i am 16 years old. to make a long story short, i have moved 9 times in my life and have lived in 3 different states. my parents were married for 20 years and i have two little brothers, we all lived happliy in pennslyvania. but now everything different. my parents started fighting and it got very ugly to the point that they got divorsed. not only did they get divorsed, my dad desicded to move to california. since he moved, my mom couldnt afford to have us living in the expensive area in PA that we lived in, so we moved to ohio. im a sophmore and i just started a whole new school where i barely know anyone. i have had the same boyfriend for about 2 years now and we are still together. you all probably think im crazy, but hes not only my boyfriend, hes also my best friend and we are so close. so its hard to be away from him.. but also all my friends too. i had so many friends back in pa and i always had things to do and i always felt comfrable. but now i sit at home on the weekends with nothing to do. im just feelign really empty and alone. not only that, i have a huge problem. in 8th grade i started tp pull my hair out and i didnt even notice i did it, now its 2 years later and im still doing it. i have really bad anxiety and its getting worse and worse. i get really bad migrains and i cant stop doing it. when ppl tell me to stop, i get really pissed off and it makes me want to do it more. i am starting to get little bald spots on my scalp and i cant wear my hair in a ponytail anymore. my hair is getting really thin and damaged and i dont like to swim because i feel like everyone notices. and then i try to stop doing it and that makes me stressed and makes me do it more. i feel like im going crazy and i dont know what to do. my mom knows but she acts like its not a big deal and my good friend just reciently told me that there is something called Trichotillomania that has to do with hair pulling. i never thought my case was a big deal but i think its starting to be. does anyone have any advice for what i should do? thanks.

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hi! yoga and meditation have helped my stress levels significantly.


of course, actually STARTING is the hard part.


i suspect that with you, actually achieving some mental silence and space would be the most beautiful thing.


otherwise, involve yourself with hobbies. write, draw, music

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