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He just stopped all contact abruptly

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yes i asked him to move but we were not intending to break-up.....just get physical space. The point is we had plans that night and he just didn't call, shut off his phone and now it's been a week. I am confused because he said he was willing to work on it.


Also, the e-mail I sent him the next day after not answering was beautiful. Why can't he respond to the e-mail and say something like, "IT"S OVER!" Why nothing? Yesterday felt good but today i started all over again. When do I try again? Or do I? This is so difficult. I feel like I am losing him for good.


I know that you asked him to move out and give you space, but in a committed relationship when it is at the level of two people living together and one asks the other to leave, it doesn't really bode well for the relationship, would you not agree? It is a major step down and I can see where it would be interpreted that your feelings were not the same as before and that may be why he chose to back off and not respond to you, after having some time to think about how he felt.


Imagine yourself in his shoes, he asked YOU to move out and give him space, would you feel loved and appreciated? Do you think you might them have doubts about the relationship and it's ability to survive? Do you think you might decide if that's how he felt, that you could do better?


Just some food for thought...

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Thank you for taking the time to respond. I understand that he is probablygoing through a lot of pain and feelslike the only way to get away from me is to stop all contact - I know he knows that I am now the one in pain and he obviously doesn't care by the way he went about everything.


I don't know if it's too soon but my pain leads me to believe I mate a fateful mistake. I feel paralyzed and just want to call him to see where he is at.......is 10 days too soon...there will be no pleading on my part.

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Do you need to contact him again for closure?


See, I think this might be more about bugging him one more time to get him to acknowledge you. He is well aware that you left him a message and emailed him already... and is choosing not to respond.


For me, that would be all the info I need to obtain closure.


When a man wants to be with you and to work it out, he contacts you. If he isn't, perhaps it's a safe guess that he doesn't want that?

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