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I want everything!


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Hi Enotaloners, really glad i've found this place, i've been reading posts for the past few hours and its so nice to have stumbled upon a comunity where every1 helps each other.


My problems are not big ones in comparison and there not important really, just looking for a bit of friendly advice.


I'm Currently dating a very nice man, we are not exclusive and are both still dating other ppl, we just wanted to see how things go, i like him a lot but i think we have both realised this will never be much more than friendship and companionship and thats fine. I think we shall continue to go on dates ever few weeks, hopefully for a long time, i enjoy his company very much, but there is no spark, he is aware of this also.


This is the complicated bit, i like these 3 guys we'll called them C,S and B( there is a spark with all of them) problems being:


C is in a happy long term relationship, so i'd never go there

S is in a very unhappy short term distructive relationship and is being treated very badly (so has a lot of his own issues and hers to sort out)

B is still inlove with his ex


My question is, how come with these guys with all this baggage who i never have a chance of making it work with i am so head over heals for but when i find a nice guy who is very intellegent,sexy,mature and very single...i'm not interested...also i never seem to just want one guy at once...why am i so greedy?


LaLa @->---

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Hi and welcome to eNotalone. It sounds like a common case of wanting what you can't have. Those 3 guys don't sound like boyfriend material, and I think you know that. But, don't "force" yourself to like this 4th, single, available, nice guy. If you don't feel that spark, don't force yourself to date him because that will just wind up breaking his heart when you tire of him. If you are having fun with him now, cool, but don't be in a long-term relationship with him if that isn't how your heart feels.


good luck!

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Hi and welcome to eNotalone. It sounds like a common case of wanting what you can't have. Those 3 guys don't sound like boyfriend material, and I think you know that. But, don't "force" yourself to like this 4th, single, available, nice guy. If you don't feel that spark, don't force yourself to date him because that will just wind up breaking his heart when you tire of him. If you are having fun with him now, cool, but don't be in a long-term relationship with him if that isn't how your heart feels.


good luck!


Very sound advice!

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