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Im just wondering if people could tell me links to some storys that relate to mine, that i was with a guy and he then just tells me he doesnt want a relationship anymore after acting like it was all soo good all the time and im left feeling like it was all my own fault feeling really low about it and how i dunno how im ever gonna find anyone that doesnt hurt me. please help i just need to feel reassured

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I know how you feel. My girlfiend of a year, and best friend of the last 9 years, broke up with me 3 weeks ago. Then a week later, she says she's sorry, wants to work things out, and wants to continue our relationship. Then a few days ago, she says she just wants to be friends. She can't even have the decency to call, or talk to me about it, just sends me an e-mail. I was really heart broken 3 weeks ago, then she gets my hopes up, acts like everything is fine, the dumps me all over again. I blamed myself at first, but she seems to be the one having a problem, and can't make up her mind. We have been in a long distance relationship, and I am finally at the point where I was able to move there to be with her, and now she's pulling all this crap on me. I don't know that this helps to reasure you in any way, but at least you know you aren't the only one.

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Unfortunately, you are describing a common event that happens to most people. I have been thru the same as you. Had a four year relationship with a man, who I was sure I was gonna marry, only to have him tell me he didnt love me anymore. My world fell to pieces and I I just didnt know where to go from there. I devoted my life, heart and soul to this man, I knew NOTHING else but him. So, when he left, I was beyond lost and alone..

That was three months ago, I think? My point is.. I am still here, not entirely whole yet, but recovering WITHOUT this guy. I dont even want him back anymore. You will never get a guarentee that you wont get hurt, unless you just never get close to anyone ever again. You take a chance even by letting your family into your heart and thoughts.. anyone can tear your guts out.. its a chance everyone takes every second of everyday. The difference is, most people are emotionally strong enough to take the hurt of someones betrayal or neglect.. They recover like its not a huge loss.


Dont be too hard on yourself not being one of these "healthy" people. But dont shut the world out either. You asked for other web sites to turn to, right? There really isnt much out there that I am aware of but this one. However, this is a really, REALLY good site in that people really take time to read your post and advise you. Seriously, your lucky you found this one. If you ever want to chat, PM me. I am so sorry for your pain, I hope you find comfort and strength today and everyday after.



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I think the majority of people have had this happen to them. I dated a guy for several months, everything was great, and then he just stopped calling. I tried to call a few times but didn't want to seem desperate. Then I hear through some friends that he got with some other girl he works with. He told all of our friends that I had told him I didn't want a boyfriend at the time (not true, i never said it) and he moved onto some other girl that had sex with him on the first night. After the first initial shock of the situation, I realized I was the lucky one, because I wasn't the one being used for sex. I told myself if that was all he wanted then I was glad he got it somewhere else. Maybe this might help. Whenever it dosen't work out with a guy, whenever yet another one of my relationships fail, I jsut tell myself, this is what is meant to be. I can't be with this guy, because there is someone better out there waiting for me. The best way to keep your mind off of it is to do things for yourself. Join a gym, get your hair done, spend time on you and surround yourself with people you love. Even if you can't be happy, just pretend you are, and eventually you'll stop having to pretend. Good luck hun. PM me any time you want to talk.

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