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Do guys expect a kiss or to hold hands on a first date?


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Is it weird if you go on a first date and don't really let the guy hold your hand in the movie or kiss you? Not as in tell him NO but just kinda keep your hands to yourself? Does the guy think the girl is too prude or innocent? Or is it normal if it's a first date?

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Is it weird if you go on a first date and don't really let the guy hold your hand in the movie or kiss you? Not as in tell him NO but just kinda keep your hands to yourself? Does the guy think the girl is too prude or innocent? Or is it normal if it's a first date?

i think its pretty normal... most of the girls i have been with have been stand-offish in the first few dates...it really gets interesting..besides it makes the guy think lotsa stuff u no

yeah but there is a high psblty that he mite think ur innocent or just tooo prude..but dont worry!...my advice..its not necesry to hold hands in the first date..And yeah i shld mind my own business..but u shld actually go for dinner/lunch or smwhere u guys get time to talk to each other..basically because in the movie u wont talk much..u get wat i mean!...going for dinner/lunch//or smwhere where u can talk will let u know more about him..even if u no him from long!!

hope this helps

ne ways have fun and good luck!!

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On first dates, I usually don't expect anything at all. You shouldn't feel obligated to hold hands or kiss. Just let things happen naturally.


Another ridiculous thing I heard is that it's a rule for girls to put out on the third date. All these rules about what a girl/guy has to do on some n-th date is preposterous. No girl/guy should ever do something "just because it's the n-th date."

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Just being with the girl and getting to know her is good enough for me. A guy shouldn't be expecting anything. He should be a gentleman and if she feels like giving that to him, then he should be grateful.


Besides, I think I'd prefer someone who wouldn't kiss on a first date. Shows that they value who they give a kiss to, that they won't just do it because its a date but saving it for someone they really care about.

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