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so me and my BF have been getting really into things and im only 16. but i have a Question for anyone who really knows what they are talking about hopefully and older person then me. ok the other day me and my BF were doing some stuff but we never really wanted to have sex and his u know kinda went almost all the way in and we freeked out and it happened a few times and i want to know if i am still a vergin of not i know this is a way dumb question but i need to know because we are both vergins unless that changed it and im just like freeking out and i heard that most girls bleed when they do that but i didn't but i also heard that if you use tampons then sometimes you wont and i use them im sorry im just freeking out please help me please. and don't mess around with jokes im really sad. i just want to know the truth. thank you love QT.

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Hi QTpie87,


Thank you for coming back to us for seeking advice. First of all I'd like you to know that there are no such things as dumb questions. You are learning as you go and thank God that in the year 2003 there is a site like this to which you can refer to for advice.


I am not an expert in your question myself. The dictionary defines a virgin as someone who has never had sex. But there are a lot of loopholes in that definition. I would recommend you to read the following article: link removed ... based on that you will have to see what applies to you.


It might be wise, though, to be a little more careful in what you do, especially when you appreciate your virginity. I also recommend you to use protection (read A CONDOM) at all times.


I hope that this helped you and I wish you good luck


~ SwingFox ~

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