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Weird ex related question/ new g/f

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Hey Guys,


Think this one is about to turn into a ramble, please bear with me.


I was my b/f birthday over the weekend, we had an ace party and went to bed, slightly drunk around 2am, at 4am one of his old school friends rang him up in a very drunken state to say happy birthday...However this old school friend is an ex of mine from a long time ago and even tho i am very over him and very happy with my b/f, he was my first love and...well you know the emotions that go anlong with your first love?


Anyway so the ex (on the phone) puts his current g/f on the phone to wish my bloke a happy birthday...then she asks to spk with me ( we have never met or spoken before and although i knew she exsited not some1 i often think of) She then started swearing loudly at me and said that people like me didn't desreve to get married ( we are to be married next year), i was in total shock baring in mind its 4am and i'm having some random girl shout at me for no apparnt reason, i handed the phone back to my boyfriend in disbelief....he then continued to be polite to her!!??!!


The next morning he really apologised for not standing up for me using the excuse he was shocked drunk and half asleep....i completely forgive him...even tho it made me feel very alone, he would normal stand up for me in any sistuation...


Three days have past and i still can't get her words out of my head....why don't people like me deserve to marry? I know she was probably drunk to but i feel very hurt and alone by the whole situation....i know it probably sounds like i'm banging on about nothing...but i just can't get it out of my mind


Love n Hugs

Sugar xxxx

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your right she prolly was drunk, but we all know that when in new relationships we talk about old ones we've had, so your ex prolly just said some things and exaggerated the reasons why you weren't together anymore, it happens sadly...seriously though i wouldn't think too much into it anymore....and for your b/f don't worry bout him not sticking up for you, he probably didn't want to piss off his friends g/f which in turn may have pissed off his friend....im sure if it were to happen again he would say something, because that was quite rude of her.

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Weird situation. Yes, she was probably drunk. But your ex has probably told her a lot of bad things about you. I suppose he doesn't remember you as fondly as you remember him. I'm guessing it was an ugly breakup?


I wouldn't worry too much about your boyfriend either. It was late, you were both intoxicated, and it was a very awkward situation to have to respond to. I'm not sure how I would have reacted either.

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No the break up wasn't that great, tho mainly on his part! he has since apologised and it would be a push to say we are friends, but we are civil. Im not that bothered about my b/f's reaction as i say...but she was just such a cow! I know this is such a small thing, things a gazzilion times worse have and will happen in my life so i'm really not sure why i'm dwelling on this tiny thing?

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