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Feeling anti-social, dont know why

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I dont feel like this too often but tonight it just hit me really hard for what ever reason. I got off of work and was looking forward to seeing everyone at my friends house. They were all there but only two of the ~12 people there said hi to me when I got there(not normal). I guess thats when this feeling all started. I've always made it a point to say hi to my friends when they stop by(we all meet at one house all the time). I guess its too much to ask for them to do the same for me.


They were all busy having fun in one big conversation. I grabbed a chair and sat down. Since I just got there I had no idea what they were talking about so I did not join in. It turns out they were playing some type of game and you cant just jump right into this game.


The game went on for about 10 mins and I was like, wtf....I got two "hi"s and I've been at work the past two days so I have not seen them at all. So for what ever reason, I just got all anti-social. I just sat there all quiet and no one asked me why I wasnt talking(I usally talk a lot). The only one that noticed someting was "wrong" with me was my friends mom.


I'm sick of being nice too, I'm always there for my friends to talk to if they have a problem. But I noticed that not many really there listen and have something to say about my problems(and no i dont complain a lot). So I just get walked on and used.... I guess I'm not posting for help, just a rant. If you read this, thanks for taking the time to do so.

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Well there not that good of friends in my opinion. Have you thought about not hanging out with them anymore???


I was in a similar situation when I used to be popular haha, then like they ignored me kind of like you in your situation. And I basically just got a new group of friends and I haven't had any problems.

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I hear your rant and I been there too. Ya get off work and look forward to relaxing then something goes wrong and bammo, your mood plunges.


Someone should have clued you in when you sat down. I would have done that for someone just arriving. It's just common courtesy. I mean they were only playing a game right? Not like they were defusing a bomb together - lol.


I hope you stay nice, though. The world doesn't need any more jerks.

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