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all his friends were flirting with me....why?

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Hi, I went out to dinner last nite with my bf at this resturant and we met up with a bunch of his friends and they were flirting with me behind my bf back. I was surprised because these guys were his friends and one of them actually ask me for his phone number. Anyways I was wondering why thses guys would do this when I was dating their friend?

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Could be a test of some sort on your boyfriends side, or maybe his friends are just all pricks?


Perhaps they felt like flirting with you to validate themselves? Maybe your boyfriend is the best looking one or has the best luck with women? Or maybe they just think you're really hot? Either way, no respect for your bf.

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Depends on the level of flirting, because I am a flirt but it's harmless. Nothing tacky or overly done. If his friends are nice to you, it means your man is into you and he talks about your to your friends. If it was harmless, then take it as a good thing. If it made you uncomfortable, you might want to mention it to your man. I am sure they did not mean any harm. Take care.

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I always thought that guys who flirt with woman that they know they are taken, they do it to see if you are happy. That used to happen when I used to bartend, they hit on me and they ask me out on a date and I tell them I am taken. They are like, "so, I don't see a ring." I always chalked it up as a test to see if I was happy. Maybe that's why they do it or they are just jerks. Isn't this dude (your boyfriend) who makes you feel bad when you moved in your new place and bad-mouths your cooking and such? You can tell a lot about a person by seeing the kind of friends they have.

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