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Boy do I have a ton of questions!

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Hi I'm new to these forums, and sort of stumbled upon them on a google search looking for help with a problem. I read over a lot of the posts and found that people weren't judging or making fun of problems...so I have some orgasm questions I would like to field to the other women on the forums


To start, I am a phyically healthy 27 year old female. I do suffer from schizophrenia, but am happily married and lead a very VERY active sex life. I was raised in a ...not so normal family... and was never really told about sex, except that it was bad, so I made it my life's work to have as much as possible. I lost my virginity at 12, and have had an over-active sex life up to the point where I had my first child at age 19.


Now I am in a very happy, monogamous marriage. I had my first ORGASM with this man at age 24...I must have been very very repressed. Up until that point I had tried everything for sexual satisfaction...heavy B&D S&M, experiementing with just about every fetish imaginable, etc...but could never achieve orgasm. In fact, not KNOWING about what an orgasm really was or felt like, I thought I was having "orgasms" up to that point when what I realize it was now was that point right before you have an orgasm when frustration is at its highest.


Well, now I can orgasm...however, only with a vibrator Oral, fingers, sex, etc just does absolutely...nothing. In fact, I would go so far as to say a good back massage would bring me more pleasure than oral sex I am almost positive this is 100% mental, but can't be sure.. I wish I could come to orgasm with oral sex or just by touching myself...but nothing works except my vibrator Is that "okay"? Does anyone have any suggestions for being able to orgasm without a vibrator?? Not that *I* mind it..but my husband I know is getting bored with the whole having to sit there and watch me masturbate for an hour before we have sex every single time.


My other question, is why I searched on google to begin with..Like I said, I had my first orgasm at age 24. Until tonight, I've only had 2, or three maximum orgasms in a row. Well the past two nights, I've been feeling horny out of my mind. My husband...not so horny. So last night I masturbated...and had 5 orgasms in a row. Tonight I felt frisky again and decided "what the hell" and kept going...and going...and going. I had SEVEN orgasms under an hour. Afterwards I went into the bathroom and wiped up and there was blood Now another fact is that I have been on the Depo Provera shot for 7 years straight. I don't bleed. I don't have any periods or any spotting to speak of. So I am wondering if I could have hurt something up there from having 7 orgasms in under an hour?? It didn't hurt or anything...but it has me a little worried lol So any advice would be appreciated. I honestly don't know that much about women's sexual functions to say what is normal and what isn't..but I assume 7 orgasms in an hour might be considered excessive lol



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I don't think from the actual orgasm that it caused the bleeding. Unless you penetrated yourself with some kind of toy which may have caused the bleeding. It is possible that you might have hurt your sensitive tissues inside your body while masterbating. As long as it does not hurt, I would not worry. However, if it continues to bleed or pain begins, you should see a doctor. And I do not think it is abnormal for you to masterbate so much as long as it does not take you away from other priorities. Eventually, you'll probably slow it down a bit.


Another thing, about your not being able to reach orgasms previously, it could be a side effect of any medications you take due to schizophrenia. A common side effect of medication is lowering your sex drive.

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Well I use the vibe on my clit, and wasn't penetrating with anything, so it didn't come from that. And that is a valid point...I am on Seroquel and Lexapro as anti-psychotics and anti-depressants, so they may interefere..but I have been off them before and had the same problems.


The blood is coming from inside the vagina..like if I were lightly spotting when having a period only the blood was bright red not dull or dark. It wasn't a lot...just enough to have me worried I broke something in there lol


I really can't get any sexual pleasure from anything except clitoral stimulation with a vibrator. Its frustrating to my husband and myself. My breasts do NOTHING for me...touching them are like touching any other part of my body. Vaginal penetration is pleasurable...but not enough to even getting me close to orgasm. That's why I experimented so insanely before I found a vibrator at age 24 lol I tried *everything*..and nothing ever worked. Even manually rubbing my clit with my fingers does nothing except give me a slight "ooo" feeling every once in a while. Oral sex is not pleasurable at all He could be licking my arm for the same amount of sensation


I am sooo confused by my own lack of response...and its always been like this. I wish it weren't but I have tried everything to no avail.

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This might help: abstain from all sexual activities for 2 weeks (no masturbating, no sex with your partner). After this, try bringing yourself to orgasm using your hands (NOT your vibrator). Do it when you are by yourself and not with a husband who is looking and waiting impatiently. If it does not work, do not grab your vibrator but wait some days longer and try again. The idea is to get you wanting it so much that it will work eventually, even without a vibrator.

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