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Just something I wrote. Since I'm not doing good today I figured I just post it.


Lonliness abounds

Loveless to the end

Shattered pieces of a promising life

Abysmal, neverending sorrow

Confining walls of misery

Taste the lips of hopelesness

Feel the body of a wrongfull desire

Crimson tears of pain

Look into the eys of a blackened soul

Downward spiral of lost hope

To feel the spark of happiness

lost forevermore

Draped in the shroud of life

Plodding through everlasting lies

Always knowing what was hoped for

will never be

Always seeking the one

Believing the lies

Praying to deaf ears

Unheard pleading of hope


Wrongfull choices made in life

Wrongfull promises

Failed again and again

Dreaming to be set free

No longer able to bare it

Descending the ladder of nothingness

Praying for a change

Knowing none will be

The immortal ache of despair

gripping like a vice

Lifeless eyes of sorrow

Denying what in known

Cradeling the tiniest spark

Crystall ball holding the future

Afraid to look

Knowing, knowing saddness abounds

Falling into the spiked pit of life

Reaching up to the hand of faith

Never close enough to be the saving

hand of grace

Empty heart

Tired of trying

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Hi Cycosis,


Thank you for sharing this poem. I am sorry to hear that you're not doing good today. I hope that a better future will start soon for you. Try to keep your head up and your chin up, no matter how hard it is.


The only obligation YOU have in life, is the obligation for YOU to be happy. If YOU are not happy, YOU cannot make someone else happy.


Good luck


~ SwingFox ~

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Writing and Poetry has always been one of my outlets, usually when I'm down and out but it does help a lot. Having words written down is a way for me to remember how I feel. I remember looking back at some the the stuff I wrote 5 years ago and it made me feel better. It doesnt matter to me if its high quality poetry, cuz it probably isnt but, words nonetheless help heal. I just wish I sometimes wrote more when I was happy. Regardless, keep up the poetry its something no one can take from you.

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Writing when you're happy has to be on of the hardest things there is. I explained to someone once that if I was at the happiest point in my life, whatever it may be, I wouldn't be able to express it in words. It's just too hard.

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