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ATTN Girls: Save my day plz!


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After a extremely recent heart-breaking break up, I need some chick advice. I want to casual date ASAP to get my mind off the ex (feels weird calling her that). Anyways, heres a couple questions most guys would like the answers to.....


1. What is the best way to approach a girl for the first time? (I'm not looking for one-liners here either)


2. What are the more attractive qualities to find in a guy? (humor, confidence, etc..)


3. And finally, What are some things to def NOT do when talking to a girl the first time?




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Why do u wanna forget about ur ex as quickly as possible?

things like this take time. im sorry but dating other gurlz might have u think about her all the time. ur doing a dumb thing by dating gurlz right after ur break up! UR ON THE RE-BOUND!

lemme give u sum advice from a gurl!


hang with ur buddies or sumthin just don't date sumone after a recent break up becuz u might be hurt even worse if u do sumthin stupid! trust me i've done stupid things!




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Well, you know you're capable of getting girls; if you were presumably in love with another woman at one point. I don't know what to tell you there, but just be careful. I understand that these things hurt and you don't want to live in agony, but be careful. You wouldn't want to hurt yourself, or another person. Before delving into dating relationships with other girls, step back and re-evaluate the situation. This may, or may not be, what you truly desire.

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Hi there Alpha Omega,


I have to agree with spngbob and EternalGrace. I understand that you're feeling hurt and that you'd like to take your mind away from your ex.


I also have doubts wether what you're trying to do is a good thing. My suggestion like EternalGrace would be to be careful with yourself. Evaluation is very important here and you might need to figure out what exactly went wrong and what you are looking for in a relationship. You might need to wonder what you expect out of a relationship.


I hope that this helped you on your way and I wish you good luck


~ SwingFox ~

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Ah...I did not mean to come accross as in a hurry to start something new. I want to casual date.....as in expect nothing more than a friendly dinner. I dont want to consider the possibilty of seriousness. I'm just chicken when it comes to the other sex and was wondering how and what to say. The grieving period is far from over, but perhaps if I surround myself with more friends (all I have now are guys, not a single girl/friend) it will help me in dealing with the pain a little more. Sorry if I misinterpreted my feelings and questions to you.

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Hi AlphaOmega,


Thx for your advice.


I find it easier to ask girls out from your work place. They are people you're already comfortable with. You're not looking for anything serious and I don't think they'll turn down a free dinner. Or maybe ask one of your friends to set you up on a blind date. Hehehe, sorry, I'm so inexperience and I want to help but don't know what to say.

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  • 3 years later...

Hello AO,


I know you are just looking for friends, but in my experience, when you end up on a friendship date with a broken heart...it's easy to accidentally rebound. We are human and need to feel loved; especially when our emotions have been through the ringer.


Now that I've put my two cents in, I'll answer some of your questions from a female point of view.


Q: What is the best way to approach a girl for the first time?

A: Walk up to her and be direct. "Hi, I was wondering if you'd like to go to lunch/dinner sometime?"


Q: What are the more attractive qualities to find in a guy? (humor, confidence, etc..)

A: I find humor is invaluable! Confidence is important..however, over-confidence is seen as trying too hard, or just plain conceited. Be assertive while utilizing common sense.


Q are some things to def NOT do when talking to a girl the first time?

A: Please don't walk up to a girl and say, "YOU ARE HOT!" This comes accross as shallow; ignorant to respect for a gal, and in my opinion, it gives good reason for a girl to walk away shaking her head in disgust.


Good luck to you.

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