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Do all signs point to yes?


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In a nutshell --


Over the past 3 weeks or so, I have been interested in this young woman at my college that I have one class with. Our class meets twice a week, but for 2 hours each day. We sit beside each other and do classwork together, as well as talk about personal stuff such as future plans for college and whatnot. Lately, we have been doing a lot of flirting/teasing, and quite a bit of laughing. Sometimes she laughs for no apparent reason. It seems like a big hint that she likes me.


Today we studied after class, and at one point we were both laughing at something we were doing, and she said "Why am I laughing?" as she was laughing, smiling at me of course. A lot of eye contact and all that, too. We even nicknamed each other a little bit, joking around the subject as we were leaving to go home our separate ways (I take the bus home, she takes her bike home).


Next time I see her is on Wednesday, so is this a good time to ask her out? I can almost feel the urge to do it. It just feels right, but it'd like some good ol' reassurance and opinions just to be sure.



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although I've never had a girl laugh for no reason while I'm in her presense lol, that is a bit out of the ordinary


No, I meant like she would laugh at something that I'm saying or trying to figure out with her that isn't normally funny, such as trying to figure out an answer to one of the study guide questions.




Anyway, I have a big test on Wednesday in that class, so I have to get my mind off of her until then, especially DURING the test. I don't want to bomb the test because I have my mind elsewhere.

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Unlike the others, I am not so sure she is interested. In fact, I'd say she is not. If she was at one point I think you have missed your opportunity.


Seriously bro, what are you doing? If you want to ask her out, then do it already. What are you waiting for? The longer you wait, the more likely that you have found your way into the friendzone. So if you think she is interested in you, and you think you are reading signs that she is, then what are you waiting for? A written invitation? Sheesh...


Why are you playing so hesistant?

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what are you waiting for? A written invitation? Sheesh... Why are you playing so hesistant?


Chill out dude, there's a difference between being hesitant and knowing what you're getting into. Regardless of your opinions of "nice guys", nobody wants to screw up potential friendly relations or make things awkward. Granted, if done skillfully asking agirl for a casual "get to know you better" outing, then things won't be awkward.


My point is, nobody should criticize a guy for making sure a certain action is worth the gamble. Becuase if someone isn't interested, it just isn't worth our time and asking that person out won't change their opinions

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Chill out dude, there's a difference between being hesitant and knowing what you're getting into. Regardless of your opinions of "nice guys", nobody wants to screw up potential friendly relations or make things awkward. Granted, if done skillfully asking agirl for a casual "get to know you better" outing, then things won't be awkward.


My point is, nobody should criticize a guy for making sure a certain action is worth the gamble. Becuase if someone isn't interested, it just isn't worth our time and asking that person out won't change their opinions


I'm chilled, don't be so defensive. You need a smack in the head to wake up. I'm here to help, not criticize. Hmmm, maybe I need to tone down my method of delivery, I am used to giving help to adults. I guess I didn't anticipate how fragile teens were.


Okay now, explain to me how you are going to screw up "potential friendly relations" by asking the girl for her number? How? You mean if she is not interested? If she is not interested then she is not interested. Better to find out now than later. It's really going to suck for you if you instead spend months of time talking to her, thinking about her, falling harder for her, then you finally ask her out and she says no. That's gonna suck. Better to find out as soon as you have some chemistry going. I think you have already waited too long, but waiting even longer will be silly.

Look man, you are not in this to make new friends, you are interested in this girl. So go do what you want to do. if she isn't interested you don't need to make things weird. Be like, "Cool, well catch ya later!"

And leave it at that. Move on.

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Ok, so I asked her out to lunch today for Saturday, and she basically said No. She seemed uncomfortable with the idea of us being more than study-buddies. That and the fact that I am 4 years younger than her (she's 23).


I felt uncomfortable around her for about 5 minutes after that, but then I just forgot about it and act like nothing happened. I wasn't as flirty towards the end of class as I normally am (she acted normal). That feeling of rejection started to go away minutes after it happened, though, so that's all good. We're studying after class on Monday for a while for a project we're doing for class.


Oh well... I didn't take the rejection very hard.

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Ok, so I asked her out to lunch today for Saturday, and she basically said No. She seemed uncomfortable with the idea of us being more than study-buddies. That and the fact that I am 4 years younger than her (she's 23).


I felt uncomfortable around her for about 5 minutes after that, but then I just forgot about it and act like nothing happened. I wasn't as flirty towards the end of class as I normally am (she acted normal). That feeling of rejection started to go away minutes after it happened, though, so that's all good. We're studying after class on Monday for a while for a project we're doing for class.


Oh well... I didn't take the rejection very hard.


That's awesome bro! Not that she rejected you, but that you finally just asked. Now you eliminated a prospect and don't have to worry about it anymore. On to the next!


Go read my Guide to Dating thread, the one that is really really long. Seriously.

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