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how to interpret a response

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i suppose this is the right place to put this...



When I suggested to this girl that we have coffee sometime, she said "I'd love to" I'm interpreting in this in a very positive way because she said it in what I felt was a sincere, interested way. She didn't say anything like "Well, I've got pretty busy weeks, but we'll see" or "sure".


Do any of you have any opinions?

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but dont rush things.. take ur time..


Yeah..That much I'm gonna put all my effort into, especially if she might be interested. This is something I want to nurture like a delicate rose rather than try and rush to quickly. I've learned that the most important thing is not to PLAN it out in advance. That is to say, i shouldn't think "okay first we'll have coffe, then balh balh blah" I should let things happen as they do, but throw in an element of boldness at the same time. Which is basically what I did with her on Friday. I wasn't even thinking of asking her for coffee until right before she had to go.

So basically, I figure when I see her in class after break, I'll try and sit by her. We have a break half-way through so I'll chat with her then. I'm sure that an opportunity will present itself. There seems to be a fine line between scheduling things and saying "hey, if you're not doing anything after class, why don't we grab that coffee we talked about?"


But boy, do I not want to rush this. I will be sure to keep you all informed of whatever happens.



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i suppose this is the right place to put this...



When I suggested to this girl that we have coffee sometime, she said "I'd love to" I'm interpreting in this in a very positive way because she said it in what I felt was a sincere, interested way. She didn't say anything like "Well, I've got pretty busy weeks, but we'll see" or "sure".


Do any of you have any opinions?


I'm not sure if I have an opinion yet... You asked her, I got that much... she said yes, I got that much... then I get confused. Did you go? Did you just say "sometime" or did you set up a date?


*edited to say


Just read the rest. I am not sure why you asked if she would like to get coffee and never bothered to set up a time. If you are going to ask a girl out, then have a date in mind or what was the point in asking?


Don't make that mistake again.

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Let me clarify:


We're on break right now and the "time" I suggested was when we get back from break. Classes resume on Moday and we have a morning class together. I plan to ask her then. I will probably talk with her during the break we have during class and steer the conversation around to what her day is like and then ask her. If she doesn't have anything to get to after the class, then I'll say "Well why don't we grab that cup of coffee we talked about"

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Let me clarify:


We're on break right now and the "time" I suggested was when we get back from break. Classes resume on Moday and we have a morning class together. I plan to ask her then. I will probably talk with her during the break we have during class and steer the conversation around to what her day is like and then ask her. If she doesn't have anything to get to after the class, then I'll say "Well why don't we grab that cup of coffee we talked about"


That makes more sense, however I personally don't think I would have asked for permission to ask her out. I would have waited until you guys got back and then asked her then with a date in mind. I dunno, I guess to fully understand the situation I'd have to be there, but that is my opinion. It's not likeyou screwed up big time or anything, I just wouldn't waste any more time now. Go for it.

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well, do you guys think I should Email her? Of course I'd write more than about setting up a date like say how I hope her break is going really well and all. I mean I didn't get her cell# but I plan on setting the date the very next time we see each other, which will be in class monday morning unless ironically we end up at the ariport together again.


Interestingly enough, I seem to understand better the advice someone left me once about not making it as much a question as a suggestion. Which I plan to use if the coffee thing goes over well. I'll say "we should get together again this weekend." or something to that effect

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