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Guys buy EX GF gifts after breakup?

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Hey Guys,


Do you guys buy your ex gf gifts and just things she needs or want?


I dunno, i kinda have been doing that, but I think it makes my ex uncomfortable ..so.. I'm gonna stop starting today, but i'm just wondering if anyone out there does the same thing hehe!!!



ITS HARDER TO FORGET THE PAST THAN TO MOVE ON !!!!!! good luck all you breakups out there!!!



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Hey, you two are broken up right? Then why are you buying her gifts?! If you two are still friends thats great and maybe if it were a holiday or her birthday it wouldn't be so weird. Even if you still like her or feel like its a routine thing, you should most definitely stop. It's also not going to help you any to move on past the relationship.

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why? I bet your ex feels umcomfortable. Why would you buy your ex gifts or things she needs? what are the things she needs, like tampons? or a box of kleenex. There really is no need to buy her anything. And if you are trying to get back with her I would say money and gifts are not the way to go.


Maybe I could see for birthdays if you two are still friends or xmas, otherwise no need.

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Buying her stuff is a bad idea. Having contact with her is a bad idea. She broke up with you and said she doesn't want to talk to you anymore. Best thing to do is to go into No Contact and talk to other girls.


But if you're still not strong enough to do NC and keep it, then do as you feel. Call her when you want, tell her how you feel and want her back any time you feel like it. She won't come back to you, but eventually all of the rejection will make you not want to talk to her anymore.

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I notice everyone who posted so far are in they're 20's... I dunno i'm a pretty well off guy so money isn't a factor for me, i'm not financially stressed..... But what i do care about is if my ex is happy or not,,, and buying gift prob makes her uncomfortable .. oh well.. .. and like someone mention unless theres a really darn giggty good reason too ..... shouldnt spend anything on gifts ...


Welp,,, kewl ... GOTCHA!

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I don't think they were focusing in on the amount of money so much as the fact that you are still spending money period. I don't know if she broke up with you or you her ; but I will say that when you spend the time to buy someone a gift or put the thought into still providing for someone's needs it says a lot. Does your ex view the gifts as a means of control? Does she still accept them? Or does she think that that's the only way you know how to show affection. There are so many ways this situation could be construed: I dare to enter.



Well you said from the start you decided to stop. That's a great start. And if you never felt used that's an even better one. IF YOUR HEART IS TRULY WARM AND GIVING YOU WILL MEET SOMEONE WITH A RECEPTIVE HEART.



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