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"Sweet Nothings"


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Hi. I'm new to this forum and hope to find answers to my question, as well as answers to many more.


Anyway, on to my question. MY girlfriend and I cuddle a lot, and I would like to try whispering in her ear to turn her on. Problem is, I have no idea what to say, or how to say it.


Are there any tips/tricks, on whispering or some good phrases? I want to leave some to her imagination and make her want to find out the tender, sensual things I want to do to her, and get her sweet little motor running without sounding completely corny, lol. It would be nice for someone to help me get started.


Thanks in advance

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Buy one of those cheesy pink-covered romance novels and try to glean material from there.^^


Otherwise, you'll have to come up with sweet nothings on your own. Observations about the scent of her hair, eyes, taste, and especially little idiosyncracies like the build of her neck or the way she moves are all winners. Observations like "did you have pizza for lunch?" are probably not.


From Roman times:

Catullus's collected poems have a few that are pretty good, and Ovid's Ars Amatoria [art of love] is a must-read (ignoring the fact that he liked his women bruised). Ovid has a number of suggestions, which, though dated, may yet be of use to you.


For some reason, Shakespeare has always sounded trite to me (what a no-talent hack!), but sometimes a little music in the background is a constant source of things to murmer softly.

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I think it's more the situation that makes it romantic/erotic.

You could probably whisper just about anything (within limit) and it would work. It's the fact that you are both together; and presumably all over eachother.


Anything that compliments her should do the trick.

Try and make it a bit more personal than, "you're beautiful".

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I don't think you should seek fake lines from romance novels...It will sound cheesy and as if you are trying too hard. Say real compliments you like about her like "she smells nice," "your hair looks so pretty today" or " I just wanna hold you forever"...Say things you really feel.


Girls and compliments go hand in hand. Considering that we try hard to impress sometimes, we like our efforts to be appreciated.

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Buy one of those cheesy pink-covered romance novels and try to glean material from there.^^


Ohh I love this one. LOL. Yeah.. read the romance novels to get an idea of what gets us hot and bothered. Just don't get caught doing it. lol. I hear its not a manly man thing to do.. and it might be against the manly man regulations somewhere.




Otherwise, you'll have to come up with sweet nothings on your own. Observations about the scent of her hair, eyes, taste, and especially little idiosyncracies like the build of her neck or the way she moves are all winners. Observations like "did you have pizza for lunch?" are probably not.
Observations about her and compliments work. lol. YEP.. PIZZA or SALAMI Questions are not a good idea... kills the mood. LOL.


From Roman times:

Catullus's collected poems have a few that are pretty good, and Ovid's Ars Amatoria [art of love] is a must-read (ignoring the fact that he liked his women bruised). Ovid has a number of suggestions, which, though dated, may yet be of use to you.


For some reason, Shakespeare has always sounded trite to me (what a no-talent hack!), but sometimes a little music in the background is a constant source of things to murmer softly.


I LOVE IT!!! lol. Yes.. go to the library and pick up some poetry. Better yet.. listen to some good music. And listen to the words.. they'll give you an idea of where to go from there.


Google it... ROMANTIC IDEA's. your bound to find stuff out there if you search it out.


And I applaud your PRO-ACTIVE research into the art of romance and whispering sweet nothings into her ear. lol. If its not a natural ability.. you can certainly learn it. And don't worry about CORNY. Corny and cheesy works too. lol.

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Feh, this is lovemaking, not poetry recitation. Keep it simple with short but sweet compliments and expressions of what good emotions you are feeling for her.


"I love being with you." "You are so wonderful." "You feel so good."


Sometimes you don't have to say anything. Just look into her eyes and smile. Rub noses (eskimo kiss). Hold her gently or tightly in your arms. Caress her. The point is not to impress her with words but to be intimate and passionate. Help her see that you enjoy being with her and that, at that particular moment, there is nowhere else in the world you would rather be.

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this is lovemaking, not poetry recitation. Keep it simple with short but sweet compliments and expressions of what good emotions you are feeling for her.


I agree with you JC. However, sometimes people have a difficult time putting to words what they are feeling to be able to express themselves. That's why the written word or a song we hear triggers an emotion within us and we can "relate" to it.


The written word and song lyrics are only a vehicle. A teacher if you will. To teach us how and what words to use to express our emotions.


For instance. When a baby is born it is a blank slate. It picks up cues from the world around it to teach it the rules and ettiquite of behavior. What is acceptable and what is not acceptable. Too often you'll see up and down these forums... modes of behavior people pick up from their home life that is totally inappropriate. Such as.. communication skill. How their parents communicated, problem solved, argued.


What a child can not disern are those private moments. The moments of intimacy. How to express themselves and their emotions in word or action during that time.


So yes, asking on this forum is a GREAT idea. Its one vehicle. And listening to music or reading the written word for other vehicles is also valid. As long as he makes them his own and the words come from his heart.

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