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My GF and i have been dating for over 2 years. I feel its time to end the relationship and move on. We've given each other a few days and then we're suppose to meet and figure out want we want to do. I already know what i want to do, but i have this feeling that i can't leave, like i love her too much. We were pretty serious, looking at getting married and other things. I mean, do i need to just say its over and give it time, or is something deep down telling me i should stay. Its like my brain and heart are fighting with each other. I know i can do better, but i'm so damn inclined to stay. I'd appreciate any word of wisdom. Thanks.

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No i "think" we should break up. But i feel like i should stay with her. She doesn't know yet. We've decided to take a few days away from each other, then decide if we still want to stay together. I still love her, but i realize it would be best if we went our separate ways.

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What are your reasons for going your separate way? I think that you need to make a pro and con list and decide if one outweighs the other. After being with someone for 2 years you are definitely going to have feelings no matter what...... but make sure if you decide to leave to stick with it. Because after you break up you will feel like you have made the biggest mistake of your life.


Honeslty, I was hurt in a relationship and did not want to end things, but I think that if you are having these feelings of doubt you definitely need at least a break to figure your life out. It wouldn't be fair to either of you to stay in a relationship that you are unsure of. I think that you are confused about life and need to figure some stuff out, and it would probably be best to end things and find yourself. But that is just my opinion on the issue

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Basically, if i can put it that way... we haven't had a lot of time to spend together. Seems like one of us is always too tired or has a headache etc etc. Before stuff like that existed of course, but didn't get the way of us hanging out and being together. Things have changed, and in a lot of ways, its my fault. Every weekend, for the last months or so i've had to help my dad out with building a boathouse. She's been patient, but you could tell that it caused us both to be distant from each other. We would go out here and there and do things, but have yet to get back to things. When i wanted to talk about things like this, she was always too tired or had a headache. How can two people have a loving relationship and not talk? I decided to let it be and see how things went for awhile. Same stuff happened. She seemed so distant to me that i felt like she was seeing someone else or didn't love me anymore. I have been really insecure and that not normal for me. When we finally got a chance to talk somewhat, i didn't feel like what i said "took" to her. Like she just blew it off. She said she still loved me and that nothing else was going on. Deep down inside, i didn't believe her. I feel like i've lost my trust for her, but she hasn't done anything to my knowledge. Seems like my insecurities have eaten me alive here lately. I said some pretty foul things afterward, which i did appologize for. But, we both decided to take a few days to decide on our future. From the way i've been treating her and along with my love for her i have decided to end the relationship when we have our talk. Its definetly going to be a hard thing to do. She means the world to me, but i know i could find someone else just like she could. Half of me wants to end the madness the other half wants to keep trying. I feel like i'm losing my mind. Plus i have a feeling anyway that she may decide for things to end as well, especially since she'll be going to college in August, nearby. Thanks for the help.

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You have to follow your heart. If you decide to break up, you have to weigh into the decision that you will probably never see the girl again. If this is unnaceptable, then maybe you should try to work at things, all the problems you've said seem to just be growing apart from not spending too much time together, but I'm sure that, given enough time and effort, you can get things back to being great. That will require work, though, and if both of you aren't willing to put in that effort. The problem is not whether you could find someone else afterwards, but if you would want to find someone else.

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