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Been going through a rough break up since my girlfriend left me. She said I hurt her to much and put her down with treating her like crap with saying stuff and doing some bad things to her.


I call and call and she is so annoyed with me and wants me to just leave her alone. I looked at her myspace page and seen that she has her ex before me on her friends list now and she said she contacted him again cause she thought it was bumb that they stopped talking.


She told me when i asked about it that all he did was take advantage of her while I hurt her and was hurtful to her.


She said they just talked on email and I shouldnt have a problem with it but now im scared that she experienced a bad relationship with me that she'll run back to him eventually. As they start talking again and who knows.


This is the hardest thing ive ever been through. She left me, she decided to move in with friends from work an hour away closer to the city, now she is talking to her ex again.


Im feeling lost and have extreme anxiety right now that i would rather be dead right now.

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Don't worry friend, all your feelings are normal. Everyone has been through this kind of thing before. Just realize that your time will come soon and this will eventually end. Try getting together with some friends and going to a party or something. Talk to some other girls. It will help you take your mind off of things. Take care.

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i was so heavily involved in this relationship that i have lost many friends. The ones I have arnt the best and they make jokes and put me down about it.


I have psycological issues and have extreme anxiety and anger problems. Ive had in the past where i couldnt control my anger and i do stupid things.


As you can see in some of my posts, im not even thinking clearly cause im so messed up that im babbling on.


Why do we have to be a species that relies on relationships as a normal way of life. I dont think i will ever let myself fall in love with someone ever again. I never want to have this much of an emotional attachment with anyone ever again, people change and they can leave at the drop of a hate without working or giving more chances, why even bother attempting this stuff? I visioned this girl as my wife, and wanted her to give birth to my children and share so much with her.

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I have psycological issues and have extreme anxiety and anger problems. Ive had in the past where i couldnt control my anger and i do stupid things.


THIS bothers me. You know this to be true???? Have you done anything about it?? have you tried anger management?? Have you tried counseling??


You've gotta get to the bottom of this one. Seriously... for yourself and for your partner.


I was married to a man who had all of the above and then some. And while I loved him deeply.... how many more chances can one person give? How much does a partner have to take and jeopordize their own mental health and well being?


Being this way.. makes it so hard to love you. You need to see if you can figure this out and get your head straightened out. Seriously... before you crash even worse. Anger.. is a normal emotion. Its how you express it or to the extent that you express it that SCARES others around you.


I'm giving you the "other" point of view. Her side. What she see's cause I lived it. You need to root out those Anger and Anxiety issues. It can be done. But only you can do that for yourself. And yeah.. things could be worse for you. I left after numerous years..and having two children. And it was mostly for the kids sake I left... I don't want them to grow up seeing this. Or learning that behavior is ok. Its not ok. Go talk to someone and see if you can't learn to overcome your issues. It can be done if you want it so.

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