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like this girl

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well we were talking on line and she all the sudden said "what would you say if i asked you to tell me how cute you think i am 1-10" and i kinda waited and shes like "no im serious" and im like ok and i tried not to "overrate" her but i woulda said a 20 but i settled for 9. so then i gave the same question to her and shes like "ehhh i dont wanna answer that" and im like "cmon, i told you. you gotta be honest with me. and shes like 1. tell me if you think im ugly link removed

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your not really 14 are you, lol. well you look younger. OK, first off tell me how old you are, and how old you are in that picture. I know for sure she was probly not meaning gross in the way you fear, but i think she just meant she wasnt attracted to you. If you wear that kind of clothes as in that picture all the time, then change your style to something that matches your personality. First create your identity before you try, dont cave to her likes. Sorry if this sounds harsh, i really dont mean to be rude, but im serious.

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Yeah, I gotta agree with slayer, if you wear that stuff all the time, change it to something that matches your personality, because it looks really dorky. Sorry I'm just honest, it looks really dorky lol. Don't go for girls that are really good-looking, most likely if she was a "20" and wore really hot clothes then she is probably superficial, and those girls have a bunch of hang ups and you don't want that. Your just infatuated, get over her she isn't anything special you probably hardly know her.



(lol sorry that sounded pretty harsh now that I look over it)

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You are not ugly!! The young lady in question was very insensitive to say that to you. You look like a very nice boy, sweet and clean cut. Don't change yourself for anyone. If you want to change your style, even though there is nothing wrong with what you are wearing, then wear what you like and what you are comfortable in. Be true to yourself! When I was your age, way back in the time of the dinosaurs, ha ha!!, I always liked the clean cut type and I know a lot of young ladies who do. Trust me, you will find a nice girl who will accept you just as you are.

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well we were talking on line and she all the sudden said "what would you say if i asked you to tell me how cute you think i am 1-10" and i kinda waited and shes like "no im serious" and im like ok and i tried not to "overrate" her but i woulda said a 20 but i settled for 9. so then i gave the same question to her and shes like "ehhh i dont wanna answer that" and im like "cmon, i told you. you gotta be honest with me. and shes like 1. tell me if you think im ugly link removed


Anyways, you're not 'ugly', man, like they said, it's just one girl. If you really want to work on anything, work on your flirting, I would have never admitted that I thought this girl was gorgeous, no matter what she looks like or asked. When she asked for a rating 1-10, you should have been like (playfully), "Can I use negative numbers?"....and honestly, after she did answer your question with a 1, I would have used a negative number and then stopped talking to her cause what she said was pretty mean really man, she seems shallow to say that.


The thing you'll learn, even with time, is that all girls seem to love some sort of a challenge. So no matter what you look like, as long as you're a good challenge, and know how to flirt and stay in control of yourself, girls will love hangin around and talking with you. See, by admitting that you thought she was a '9', you pretty much handed her power and control, you think she's beautiful, and she knows it now....she's not worried about whether or not you like her, b/c she knows you do or you wouldnt have said that. As for you, you're lost because of her pretty cruel answer...and you really don't have any control over the situation. Best thing...move on, find someone else, dont make the same mistake twice.

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ouch slayer,


anyways, dude, metallicaguy and slayer are right, if you wear those clothes all the time, ditch em, your myspace says hard rocker...im assuming you like hard rock then? Well hard rockers don't wear sweaters.


if you like what i like...hard rock means slipknot, marilyn manson, rammstein, norma jean, danzig, ozzie, 9 inch nails, nirvana, but also can include bands like finch, thrice, autumn to ashes, chevelle, thursday, alkaline trio (god they just can't get a song wrong...so good)


then might i suggest longer hair, i keep mine sort of like trent reznor from NIN link removed

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there are 3 examples of pretty much exactly what my hair looks like, conformity wins buddy.


now...clothing....this is just me but these are a few examples of the clothes i do pretty much daily...link removed i use two belts like that, one in the loops and one sorta hanging off...at a diagonal angle..can't really explain it but whatever it looks pretty damn cool.


i wear the belts usually on a pair of jeans that look a bit like this...link removed usually darker blue though, but that color is pretty cool, usually make my own holes in the knees, works for me but hey whatever you like...


shirts...well thats up to you...


i don't know...just seems like you could use a few different choices to match the personality you portray,


my hair was brown naturally, i made it black to just complete what i wanted...


been through alot of phases in my life, just be sure you pick one that works for you and stick too it, don't do what i said just because other people do, if you like who you are now, then be that guy. Hott girls are next to useless in relationships at your age anyway.

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I think you look like a really nice guy, definitely not a 1! I think I'm too old to rate 14 year olds, but you're not ugly. You just need more self-confidence. But I know how you feel... I always wanted to ask my guy friends what they'd rate me, but then they'd be weirded out and it'd probably be awkward between us, so I never did. Just be confident in yourself. It takes time to develop though, so don't worry if it takes a few years.





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ook thanks guys, and that was a christmas pic. thats why i was wearing a sweater


and i do like hard rock, and i dont need help with what i wear, sorry. i mean im not trying to be mean to you guys for helping me but that just makes me think that everyone thinks i look like a fag, but since you guys don't know me myspace was the only thing that has a pic so i was wondering if anyone else thought i was ugly thats all later

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