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I must be a bit slow!


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This'll sound pretty strange but i'm new to the dating world & haven't got a clue what to make of it/do, so i guess i'm looking for advice. I'm 26 & whilst i've been in 2 LT relationships (both 4+ years), i've never done the dating thing before.


To cut a long story short, i met someone at the start of September, we emailed lots, i met him for the first time at the end of the month & since then we've seen quite alot of each other. We went out on Saturday & had a great night but didn't know what to make of something he said. In the middle of the night he said 'What's happening?' & when i said 'What's happening with what?' (i'd had a few drinks), he said 'With us - are we seeing each other?' I said 'Yes, i think so' but what does that mean in a bloke's world?


Any thoughts would be good - thanks

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Thanks for that DN. That's what i thought but i don't want to presume. I guess i didn't expect him to say it & that's what shocked me. He's great & i'd love to do the exclusive thing but think i'd better ask to be sure. Do you think it's a good idea or should i keep my mouth shut?

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He did say it and it seems to me reasonable to ask him what he meant. It doesn't have to turn into a big 'relationship discussion' but if it does that's ok too.


As I said keep it lighthearted, even casual. Just ask the question and wait for a reply. Wait as long as it takes for him to answer and don't ask it in another way or feel the need to embroider it.


Ask and wait.

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I'm hoping i won't need to say anything & that he'll mention it but if not, i'll follow your advice - ask & wait.


Thanks again DN. The comments on here helped me with my last relationship (long & complicated story) & i'm hoping they'll set me in the right direction in the 'dating world.'

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Thanks Volution, another view was good to hear as i need all the help i can get.


And no DN, we didn't have a s***, so if that's what the 'Are we seeing each other?' was for, it wasn't answered in the way it might've been!


Darkblue - we're off out tomorrow & neither of us are drinking (i'm driving & he's off to work later) so i might ask.


'Dating' is confusing but fun so i don't care.

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