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How to stay calm and collected..?

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I've posted my full story here in the past, its been about 2.5 months now since the break-up...


I'll recap quickly :


My Ex dumped my after a 3 year relationship (lived together) because she wasn't in love with me anymore but still loved me...


We tried getting back together but in the end I decided that it wasn't going to work. I decided to end it due to the fact that she didn't want to become emotional in anyway with me because she was afraid of hurting me again... I felt that if she wasn't prepared to take a risk then there was no point in trying to trust her again.


I wish I could reach a point where I have some emotional stability. Some days I'm so angry that all I can think about is how much I hate her and how she's messed up my life. Then I have days like today where I really miss what I had before and really wish I could have it back...


She sent me an sms last week to ask for a favour and I completely flipped out. I told her to get out of my life because the mere thought of her brought a level of hate and disgust that I felt for no other person...


Then last week Friday I was out with a friend and bumped into my Ex's best friend at a coffee shop. Since then all I can do is think about how much I miss her and I'm wondering what she is up to the whole time...


I really hate feeling like this, I was never such an overly emotional person before. I pride myself on being calm and collected in all situations. Why cant I deal with this?


I don't want to be permanently going through this diverse range of intense emotional states... I cant imagine anything worse than my Ex remembering me as this complete psycho one day because of this.

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dude it passes, it goes from hurting all the time to hurting most of the time to hurting sometimes then rarely then hardly.


I used this hate to drive me to do other things like go to the gym, now i am a regular and love it and have meet a few good friends through the gym, so channel you energies into something else.

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