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Im 21 & like a lad whos 17! Views?

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I suppose it really depends on where you live. Arguably, love shouldn't make a difference when it comes to age, however, some cultures frown upon relationships between minors and non-minors especially when the age gap is 4 years or so. The other complication could be that if he is still in high school and you university and both of you are about to graduate from school, then the issue becomes how do you two live your academic lives and combine that with your relationship.



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I suppose it really depends on where you live. Arguably, love shouldn't make a difference when it comes to age, however, some cultures frown upon relationships between minors and non-minors especially when the age gap is 4 years or so. The other complication could be that if he is still in high school and you university and both of you are about to graduate from school, then the issue becomes how do you two live your academic lives and combine that with your relationship.




I live in England!

He is not in school he works full time, I however am at university.

I dont think there would be a problem with seeing each other. Just worried that 17 might be a bit young.

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I once had a guy friend who was really in love, he was 21 and the girl was sixteen, they gave each other promise rings and everything. Her parents hated the idea that he was 21 and she was only 16, they did not let her see him or anthing. I remember their relationship was probally more mature then anyone's i had know, even including my own parents. I remember times when we'd be at parties, and he would just be on the phone with her the whole time. Everyone could tell they were in love, thats what made everyone respect their relationship, because they were so mature about it everyone kind of forgot about the age differnece. Still til this day the two of them are still together. Age is only a number. Why is it a man, being 40, who is dating a 20yr old not a big deal, which is a 20yr difference, but yet a 4yr differnce is a bigger deal, go for it, and think in a matter of no time he'll be 18.

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  • 4 months later...
Im a 21 year old femal who has fallen for a 17 year old , who I think feels the same.

Is this wrong because of his age?

I really dont know what to do.


Well it didn't work out in the end, I think the age gap showed and he was to imature. I'm glad in a way that I went for it as I have learned from my mistakes.

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