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going out, how to make it great


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k here's whats going on: im 15 years old and a guy for a little backround

all of the sudden about 2 weeks ago me and this girl started showing some interest for eachother, then 1 day as we were walking from our last period class we stopped and i gave her a hug, then the next day we hugged that same place as we were saying goodbye. then next day was a weird day at school and we really got to know eachother a lot better and hugged and stuff a lot more, then that night was football game. at the game we had a great time cuddling, hugging, and holding hands. then the next week, one day we hung out after school and just talked for like an hour and a half and at the end we hugged and fooled around for such a long time. see, most of the physical stuff started with fun stuff, like pushing and making fun of eachother. as we were leaving that day, she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

the rest of that week was kinda normal until the football game on friday where we kinda planned to go together and when we got there just kinda saw eachother a little bit here and there until the 3rd quarter, when i found her in the stands and went to stand by her, there i held her and we kissed (just a quick peck for the first time). then the rest of the night we hung out with friends and at around 11 i had to go and we hugged for the longest time, and during the hug we were talking a little and then i asked her out and she said yes. its now about 5 days later.

so what has so far made us have such a good time together is the fun, silly part of it which we seem to always end up hugging and cuddling afterwads. so now that we're goin out i want us to just feel great when were together and have the best time in the world just being together. i know it'll be a little more serious because wer're going out, but i want us to still just have fun together.

can anyone relate to such a relationship? also, what should i keep in mind so we keep having an unbelievably great time together? what are some good ways to get and keep a conversation going smoothly and in a fun manner when were alone or when we're in school and only seeing eachother for a few minutes at a time? any topics or ideas for conversations? tips for keeping it going?

also, i don't want to show any neediness, but at the same time show care and affection! what's the key to this and how do i keep the attraction very high or even create a stonger attraction between us? id love to hear what you have to say about what's going on and if you can answer any of the questions id love to hear that. thanks

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yeah i know how you feel


me and this boy i work with flirt a lot -we have a fun relationship together and cuddle a lot- like start out fighting playfully then end up hugging or a peck on the cheek. I feel so happy when we're together- and think about him all the time. Its like were more than friends but it never goes much further and if it does- like it has before -we lose that "special fun" between us and it goes all serious which we both dont like.


Id say count yourself lucky that your both into eachother and get on so well and keep a bit of mystery between you to keep up the interest

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