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my sister ran out of gas one day and pulled off to the side of the road then was hit by a drunk driver doing 85 mph. Somehow when he hit her, because she was wearing her seatbelt, her face like had hardly hit the steering wheel, her tooth went thru her lip, that was it. Then when she should have been thrown back into the seat, it broke before she could hit it and flew out the back window. like it reminds me of somebody basically sitting still in a tornado. When a stranger called to tell us she was in a sweious accident we took off to go to the hospital, sadly but didnt know we drove past the accident. I was sure she was dead, I started balling. What was weird was I was shopping with my other sis for things for my baby shower that was going to be the next day and as we left the store I thought suddenly "what if christina died and couldnt make it to my baby shower tomorrow?" and I got sad and said please let her be ok and started thinking positive things and sending positive vibes to her (cuz my philosophy class said it works) and got to my sis's appt 5 min later and heard what happened. Somehow she lived, just monday I on the same road when going to class and started crying because when I thought she was dead I wished she didn't see it coming, I knew how scared she would be. If I were out of gas my seat belt would have been off and id have been hanging out of the car and would be dead today. I am so happy everything happened so perfect and she is ok except some back and neck problems.

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1. I went repelling wiht my brother and i was at the bottom he was at the top, we were done so he threw the rope off. the rope got caught on a ledge so i climbed up to it (about 35ft) then right as i get there he throws his 75 lb backpack, its comin straight at me so i jump off. luckily i was on a hill when i landed so i kinda slid all the way down without breaking anything. i guess its not that "near death"

2. It was about 4 o clock in the morning, i was tired and mad. me and my bro were makin this shelf for my room. he needed his drill in the back of his car so i go get it and i forget what happened to make me so mad, but i threw the dril and it punctured a spray paint can and exploded all in my eyes and in my lungs too, so somehow i make it back inside my house and get in the shower, eyes burning like crap i can hardly breathe. my bro calls 911 and after 15 minutes they didnt show up so my mom just took me to the hospital... i wanted to ride in an ambulence...

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