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I had an affair for 8 months

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There will always be somebody that believes they can't overcome or change what they did in the past.


I think the difference here is, I reconize I have a problem. I'm willing to fix it. I'm tired of feeling empty. I feel likemy life is going to change. I was talking to my girlfirend today I told her I hurt the person I care about the most, she said, do you know who that person is? She said you. You hurt your self. You just have to believe in the power of outside help.

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The past 8 months I have had an affair with another woman. I have been trying to make sense of it all and I've tried many times to end the affair. At the same time, I have tried to end my relationship many times. We always end up back together for a while then bam, I just want to end the relationship. The same goes for the affair.


What made you decide that you wanted to stay with your gf, if you tried to end that relationship over and over? What were the reasons you kept ending the relationship?


What are your feelings towards the woman you had an affair with?


Why do you think that you cheated?

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I think I was confused about what I wanted. I've learned alot about myself and my girlfriend. She is an amazing girl, with a great heart and is willing to help me through this. I have other issues, which I'm gouing to talk about, but she knows everything and is willing to stay with me through this. I know deep in my heart I never wanted to be out of her life.


As far as the other girl, it was a sex only relationship. I don't feel anything for her.


I don't know why I cheated, I'm hoping to find out more about myself through therapy and why I did the horrible things I did.

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I think I was confused about what I wanted.


I'm just curious what brought about the sudden clarity. For 8 months you cheated with another girl. Now that you've been caught, suddenly things seem so clear for you. Do you think you were just "scared straight", so to speak? Do you think once your gf found out you were able to see how much your actions had consequences for both you and she? Was it only when she found out that you realized how much you were hurting another person?

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As far as the other girl, it was a sex only relationship. I don't feel anything for her.


So was there a problem with your sexual relationship with your girlfriend that drove you to this other woman? I know that would seem like an obvious reason but at the same time you seemed so confused by what you did that it seems to be more than that...

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