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Relationships, sex and meaning

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How do relationships affect sexual "responsibilities" (no better term) as the relationships become deeper.


People often have different opinions when it comes to sex and levels of relationships and this has always confused me.


For example, some say that sex is the difference between a relationship and a friendship. But you can have a relationship without sex, right? But then what happens when one partner wants sex more in a relationship (after they've done it allready) than the other? Can the person who wants it less can just say "sex isn't necessary in a relationship"?


This is the thing that troubles me the most: When it comes to a marriage, how does sex transform into somewhat of a deal breaker? I'm having problems, but it seems like it's more justifiable for me to say something about it than a for boyfriend who is having problem with his girlfriend (or vice versa) to say something. Usually, that boyfriend would get the advice to "just dump her."


I'm just confused I guess... if anyone could give me their opinion I would be glad!

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I am not really sure I understand your question. Reading between the lines are you asking if being in a relationship brings with it a responsibility to sexually satisfy your partner?


Then I think the answer is probably that in an ideal relationship the partners should be sexually compatible. If they are not, if one wants more and the other wants less or one wants something the other is not prepared to give then the relationship will be out of balance and ultimately other aspects of the relationship will also suffer.

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I do believe in relationship without sex--before marriage off course.


A boyfriend should respect girl friend decision to not wanting more than that. If he dump a girl because he is advice to do so, then he does not love the girl deep enough. Moreover, to him, sex is something he could not compromise.


When it comes to a marriage, how does sex transform into somewhat of a deal breaker?


Are you referring to uncompatible sex drive?

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straight up sex matters. if not sex, the chemistry, sexual chemistry. it is what separates a friendship from a relationship. whether its just kissing and fondling or hardcore sex, any type of sexual relationship is what defines it as being more than jsut a friendship. and in a marriage, when you're wiht this person for the rest of your life and are suppose to stay faithful to them, the sex better be damn good. thats why it can be a dealbreaker. now sex is good based on the feelings you ahve for eachother, its not the skills so thats why you can be abstinant before marraige and not say "well i havee to know if we're compatible in bed" although it is somewhat valid lol. and how often you want to have sex is somewhat also part of sexaul compatiblilty. but yeah sex does matter, or a better term, sexual chemistry is what matters.

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