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ive been nothing but niceto her, calm, laidback, and now....

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shes talking bad about me! rofl you heard right, a few of you might remember the girl who i shared a "weird" date with in which she was on her cell phone and was still dating an ex boyfriend of a year or so, anyway ill catch you up...


Things were going great, i purposefully never mentioned her other interest because i figured he has no bearing on how well i do with her. I was laid back, only hugged her once and it was just for a second, talked to her, sat by her in class, called her just to say hello, left her a message like once a week or so just to say hey. I don't really see anything wrong with dating a girl and treating her like that? basically not pressuring her to touch me or kiss me or whatever, always including her in my conversations with people, even if she had never met them, and certainly not being all up in her business with the other boyfriend.


anyway, last saturday we had plans set up, but it was brought to my attention that she had made other plans "after we were done" with the other boy she was dating, the "ex" of a year and a half. I told her don't even worry about seeing me and she said well what about friday after our football game, i said ill see how i felt. After the game i was pretty high on myself since i played well but she hadn't acknowledged me, just that other guy, so her parents came up and were all excited for me and talking to me alot but i gave up on her, said goodbye, and went out to eat with some friends. She was at the restaurant i was at and as soon as i walk in she sort of yelled, "HEY ERIC" and waved, no smile, i said hi, sat down, chilled for a bit, then left, making sure to say bye on my way out...she was with her ex that night but still said hi.


That monday i was pretty irked about it so we got to talking and i asked her what was happening with us, she told me that she loved him still and that no matter what they would end up being back together but not right now because she didn't want a relationship. She just wanted to date people and have fun. I got off the phone and said to myself, "i wont even bother" and just didn't talk to her outside of class much anymore, if at all. She slowly but surely got colder and colder towards me.


Fast forward to today, this is almost a week later, we were attending a lecture today. At lunch break, the girls in my class and i were talking and they were pinching my butt left and right, she sat there with this scowl on her face so i knew she was pissed. Then, like 7-9 girls from another school come over like, "Hey, tall guy, come here whats your name, our friend thinks your absolutely adorable! and shes tall too!" she was 6'2 and absolutely STUNNING....i couldn't talk to her she was so beautiful...kicking myself now as all of these suave mannerisms are running through my head....anyway, "Come over with us" after hearing this, the girls in my class started saying yeah go eric, your such a p-i-m-p and after i left to go back inside they got to talking about me....


This is where all of this went down, apparently a bunch of the girls went inside together and were complimenting me basically just being nice, so the girl i had dated chimes in with these beautiful comments, "You know, you all shouldn't waste your time, hes such an a**hole" and, "He isn't really that good at football hes only scored 8 times, they only throw to him like 4-5 times a game because they don't think hes good at all." while sticking her tongue out, by the way im a tight end, anybody who knows american football knows how little we get used, for me to have 500 yards and 8 touchdowns on 20 catches i thought was something to be proud of but whatever...


On the way home i was told all she had said, and then a friend of mine got to talking to her about this girl he likes that likes me alot still and she told him all i do is play games with girls and thats why, this pissed him off because me and him have been working together to get her over me and onto him for like 3 weeks now...


Any insight on to what the heck this girl is thinking and what i should do about it? I really cant figure out anything i did to her...Thanks for your help, sorry its so long.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Ignore her. That will hurt her the most. She is upset and jealous because she moved on and probably didnt want you to move on. thereforeeee, it was ok for her, but not for you. She was most likely under the impression that since she was the one to *blow you off* that it would have taken longer for you to get over her and she probably expects you to still be pining for her. Since you have not done this and showed some interest in other girls, she is now playing the all time top 10 most childish game by trying to ruin your standards, or rep, by saying a bunch of random things about you, that arent necessarily going to be true. This is a part of life and I think everyone has gone through it. Trust me, the more you ignore her the more you *win*. She is doing this just to try to make you upset. That is her goal, so if you act like these things dont bother you, then her plan backfires in her face.


As far as maybe becoming friends with her again if you wanted, do everything I just told you to do, but dont make it in a mean way. If she says something to you, reply to her, but dont fall in to the sarcasm. Make everything that you say a compliment or something along the lines of. Just dont let her know that these things that she has said about you have bothered you.

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